The readings are in a password protected directory for
cse590f students
Week 1, September 24, Course Introduction
Main reading
The Case for Technology for Developing Regions. Eric Brewer,
Michael Demmer, Bowei Du, Kevin Fall, Melissa Ho, Matthew Kam, Sergiu
Nedevschi, Joyojeet Pal, Rabin Patra, and Sonesh Surana. IEEE
Computer. Volume 38, Number 6, pp. 25-38, June 2005. (PDF)
Supplementary readings
The Virtues of Mundane Science, Daniel Kammen and Michael Dove, Environment, Vol 39, No 6, (July/August 1997). (PDF)
The Challenges of Technology Research for Developing Regions. Eric
Brewer, Michael Demmer, Melissa Ho, R.J. Honicky, Joyojeet Pal,
Madelaine Plauché,and Sonesh Surana. IEEE Pervasive Computing. Volume
5, Number 2, pp. 15-23, April-June 2006. (PDF)
ICT4D 2.0: The Next Phase of Applying ICT or International
Development, Richard Heeks, IEEE Computer, pp. 26-33, June
2008. (PDF)
Week 2, September 31, Low cost computing in the classroom
Main Reading
Multiple Mice for Computers in Education in Developing Countries, U. Pawar, J. Pal., and K. Toyama, ICTD 2006. (PDF)
Supplementary Readings
Multiple Mice for Retention Tasks in Disadvantaged Schools,
U. Pawar, J. Pal., R. Gupta, and K. Toyama, CHI 2007, (PDF)
Mischief, Supporting remote teaching in developing regions, Neema
Moraveji, Taemie Kim, James Ge, Udai Singh Pawar, Kori Inkpen, and
Kathleen Mulcahy, CHI 2008, (PDF)
Remedying Education: Evidence from two randomized experiments in
India, Banerjee, Cole, Duflo, and Linden, Poverty Action Lab, (PDF)
Week 3, October 6, Telemedicine
Main Reading
Asynchronous Remote Medical Consultation for Ghana, R. Luk,
M. Ho, and P. Aoki, CHI 2008. (PDF)
Supplementary Readings
Analysis of Information and
Communication Needs in Rural Primary Health Care in Developing
Countries, A. Martinez, V. Villarroel, J. Seonane, and F. del
Pozo, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine,
Vol. 9, No. 1, March 2005 (PDF)
A Study of a Rural Telemedicine System
in the Amazon Region of Peru, A. Martinez, V. Villarroel, J.
Seonane, and F. del Pozo, IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2006:
Assessing Information Technologies for Health.
Diagnosis, access and outcomes: update of a systematic review of
telemedicine services, W. Hersh, D. Hickam, S. Severance, T. Dana,
K. Krages, and M. Helfand, Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare,
2006, (Suppl. 2): S2: 3-31
Design and implementation of an
automatic message-routing system for telemedicine, Richard
Wootton, Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, Volume 9, Supplement 1, 2003
Week 4, October 15, e-IMCI
Main Reading
e-IMCI: Improving Pediatric Health Care in Low-Income Countries,
B. DeRenzi et al., CHI 2008 (PDF)
Supplementary Reading
The use of personal digital assistants for data entry at the point
of collection in a large household survey in southern Tanzania,
K. Shirima et al., Emerging Themes in Epidemiology, 2007, 4:5
Participant and Interviewer Attitudes towards Handheld Computers
in the Context of HIV/AIDS Programs in Sub-Saharan Africa, K. Cheng,
F. Ernesto, and K. Truong, CHI 2008,
Designing a Graphical User Interface for Healthcare Workers in
Rural India, S. Grisedale, M. Graves, and A. Grunsteidl, CHI 97, (PDF)
Week 5, October 22, Warana Unwired
Main Reading
Warana Unwired: Replacing PCs with Mobile Phones in a Rural
Sugarcane Cooperative, R. Veeraraghavan, N. Yasodhar, and K. Toyama,
ICTD 2007. (PDF)
Supplementary Reading
The Digital Provide: Information (Technology), Market Performance,
and Welfare in the South Indian Fisheries Sector, Robert Jensen,
The Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 2007, Issue 3, pp
879-924. (PDF)
The Lievstock Guru: Demand-led knowledge transfer for poverty alleviation, Clair Heffernan, ICTD 2006, (PDF)
Week 6, October 29, Parent's Views of Computing
Main Reading
"My child will be respected": Parental Perspectives on Computers in Rural India, J. Pal, M. Lakshmanan, and K. Toyama, ICTD 2007. (PDF)
Supplementary Reading
Usage Models of Classroom Computing in Developing Regions,
R. Patra, J. Pal, S. Nedevschi, M. Plauche, and U. Pawar, ICTD 2007,
Week 7, November 5, Digital Green
Main Reading
Digital Green: Participatory Video for Agricultural Extension,
R. Gandhi, R. Veeraraghavan, K. Toyama, and V. Ramprasad, ICTD
Supplementary Reading
Tutored Videotape Instruction: A New Use of Electronics Media in
Education, J. F. Gibbons, W. R. Kincheloe and K. S. Down, Science,
Volume 195, Mar 18, 1977, pp 1139-1146. (PDF)
Week 8, November 12, CAM
Main Reading
Mobile Phones and Paper Documents: Evaluating A New Approach for Capturing Microfinance Data in Rural India, T. Parikh, P. Javid, Sasikumar K., K. Ghosh, CHI 2006 (PDF)
Supplementary Reading
Using CAM-equipped Mobile Phones for Procurement and Quality Control at a
Rural Coffeee Cooperative, Y. Schwartzman and T. Parikh, Mobile Web In the Developing World, WWW Workshop, 2007, (PDF)
Designing an Architecture for Delivering Mobile Information Services to the Rural Developing World, T. Parikh and E. Lazowska, WWW 2006, (PDF)
Week 9, November 19, Beyond Pilots
Main Reading
Beyond Pilots: Keeping Rural Wireless Alive, S. Surana,
R. Patra, S. Nedevschi, M. Mamos, L. Subramanian, Y. Ben-David, and
E. Brewer, NSDI 2008,
Supplementary Reading
WiLDNet: Design and Implementation of High Performance WiFi Based
Long Distance Networks, R. Patra, S. Nedevschi, S. Surana, A. Sheth,
L., Subramanian, and E. Brewer, NSDI 2007,
Experiences in Using WiFi for Rural Internet in India, B. Raman
and K. Chebrolu, IEEE Communications Magazine, January, 2007,
pp. 104-110.
Week 10, November 26, Telecenters
Main Reading
Kiosk Usage Measurement using a Software Logging Tool,
R. Veeraraghavan, G. Singh, K. Toyama, and D. Menon, ICTD 2006.
DakNet: Rethinking Connectivity in Developing Nations,
A. Pentland, R. Flitcher and A. Hasson, IEEE Computer, January 2004.
Supplementary Reading
Design and Implementation of the KioskNet System, Srinivasan
Keshav, ShiminGuo, Hossein Falaki, Earl Oliver, Aaditeshwar Seth,
Sumair Ur Rahman, Matei Zaharia and Usman Ismail, ICTD 2007.
Bringing Internet Connectivity to Rural Zambia using a Collaborative Approach, K. Matthee, G. Mweemba, A. Pais, G. van Tam, M. Rijken, (PDF)
Week 11, December 3, Text Free UI
Main Reading
Text-Free User Interfaces for Illiterate and Semi-Literate Users,
I. Medhi, A. Sagar, and K. Toyama, (PDF)
Supplementary Reading
Design Studies for a Financial Managment System for Micro-credit Groups in Rural India, T. Parikh, K. Ghosh., and A. Chavan, CUU 2003. (PDF)
Full-Context Videos for First-Time, Non-Literate PC Users, Indrani Medhi and Kentaro Toyama, ICTD 2007, (PDF)
Challenges in Computerized Job Search for the Developing World, Medhi, I., Menon, G., and Toyama, K., CHI 2008 Case Studies (PDF)
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