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Reading List - CSE599 - Computing Education Research - Winter 2024
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Reading List - CSE599 - Computing Education Research - Winter 2024


Week 1

For Thursday (January 4)

No readings due

Week 2

For Tuesday (January 9)

Theme: What we’re talking about when we talk about learning

How People Learn, Chapter 1 

How People Learn II, Chapter 2 

Misconceptions Reconceived (Smith et al., 2009)

From Practice Fields to Communities of Practice (Barab & Duffy, 2000)

Optional Extra

A Short History of the Learning Sciences (Hoadley, 2018)

For Thursday (January 11)

Theme: Computational Thinking

Wing (2006)

Mindstorms: Introduction + Chapters 1-5 (Papert, 1980)

Make sure to read Mindstorms before reading these:

Logo Programming and Problem Solving (Pea, 1983)

Computer Criticism vs. Technocentric Thinking (Papert, 1987)

The Aims of Software Criticism (Pea, 1987)

Venn diagram showing varying definitions of CT, ranging from broad to narrow applicability

Viewpoints on CT from Curzon et al. (2019)

Optional Extras

On the Cognitive Effects of Learning Computer Programming (Pea & Kurland, 1984)

Computational Thinking (Curzon et al., 2019)

Mindstorms: what did Papert argue and what does it mean for learning and education? (Ko, 2016)

New frameworks for studying and assessing the development of computational thinking (Brennan & Resnick, 2012)

Week 3

For Tuesday (January 16)

Theme: What and How Can We Know?

Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development (U.S. Department of Education & National Science Foundation, 2013)

From Theory Bias to Theory Dialogue (Kafai et al., 2020) 

Design Experiments (A. Brown, 1992)

Design Experiments in Educational Research (Cobb et al., 2003)

Optional Extra

DBR: Putting a Stake in the Ground (Barab & Squire, 2004)

Launching Registered Reports in Computer Science Education Research (N. Brown et al., 2022)

For Thursday (January 18)

Theme: CT in Practice

CT: A Disciplinary Perspective (2021)

The Structure and Interpretation of the Computer Science Curriculum (Felleisen et al., 2004)

Dynaturtle Revisited (Sherin et al., 1993)

Optional Extra

The Case for Alternative Endpoints in Computing Education (Tissenbaum, 2021)

Week 4

For Tuesday (January 23)

No readings due.

In class: Present problems and framing

For Thursday (January 25)

Theme: Culture in Computing

Beards, Sandals, and Other Signs of Rugged Individualism (Ensmenger, 2015)

Co-ML (Tseng et al., 2024)

A Key to Reducing Inequities… (Everson et al., 2022)

How do we assess equity in programming pairs? (Deitrick et al., 2016)

Optional Extras

The Stratified Learning Zone (Abrahamson & Wilensky, 2005)

Week 5

For Tuesday (January 30)

Theme: Collaborative Learning

Learning by Collaborating (Roschelle, 1992)

Making Hay from Wheats (Prasad et al., 2022)

Exploring Group Dynamics… (Izhikevich et al., 2022)

Discussion leaders pick 2 NSF Proposals from the set provided on Canvas and notify class about which to read by January 23.

Optional Extras

BlockyTalky (Kelly et al., 2018)

For Thursday (February 1)

Theme: Athletics & Identity X Sensing and Machine Learning

Youth Learning Machine Learning through Building Models of Athletic Moves (Zimmermann-Niefield et al., 2019)

danceOn (Payne et al., 2021)

Go Hard (DesPortes et al., 2022)

Youth Experiences with Authentically Embedded Computer Science in Sport (Bodon et al., 2022)

Week 6

For Tuesday (February 6)

Distributed by Design (White & Pea, 2011)

Modified Class Structure

For Thursday (February 8)

Theme: Assorted Recent Work

When Stacks Don’t Stack Up (Clements & Krishnamurthi, 2022)

Understanding Spatial Skills and Encoding Strategies in Student Problem Solving Activities (Parkinson & Cutts, 2023)

Unsuccessful Code Comprehension (Lewis, 2023)

Week 7

For Tuesday (February 13)

Theme: Design

Luminous Science (Finch et al., 2021)

Exploring Hypotheses About Media Computation (Guzdial, 2013)

Valuing Design (Shapiro et al., 2023)

Saving Face While Geeking Out (DiSalvo et al., 2014)

Additional in class activity: Final project brainstorming

Optional Extra

Viewpoint, embodiment, and roles in STEM learning technologies (Lindgren & DeLiema, 2022)

For Thursday (February 15)

Theme: Atypical Programming Tools

SiMSAM (Wilkerson et al., 2015)

Visual Storycoder (Dietz et al., 2023)

Bootstrap Algebra (Bootstrap Team, 2023)

Optional Extra

Assessing Bootstrap: Algebra Students on Scaffolded and Unscaffolded Word Problems (Schanzer et al., 2018)

Week 8

For Tuesday (February 20)

Theme: CS for All Really Means All

Preparing Special Education Preservice Teachers to Teach Computational Thinking and Computer Science in Mathematics (Bouck et al., 2021)

Emergent Bilingual Middle Schoolers’ Syncretic Reasoning in Statistical Modeling (Radke et al., 2022)

Modified Class Structure

For Thursday (February 22)

Theme: Emotion

Using Electrodermal Activity Measurements to Understand Student Emotions While Programming (Gorson et al., 2022)

A Multi-dimensional Framework for Documenting Students’ Heterogeneous Experiences with Programming Bugs (DeLiema et al., 2022)

Optional Extra

Dynamics of Emotion, Problem Solving, and Identity: Portraits of Three Girl Coders (DeLiema et al., 2023)

Learning to Feel Like a Scientist (Jaber and Hammer, 2016)

        Note from Ben: I really strongly recommend this paper

Week 9

For Tuesday (February 27)

Theme: Investigating Designs at Different Scales

Inventing Graphing (DiSessa et al., 1991)

Boys Needlework (Searle & Kafai, 2015)

Halving Fail Rates Using Peer Instruction (Porter et al., 2013)

The Recurring Rainfall Problem (Fisler, 2014)

Optional Extra

How Rigorous is Active Learning Research in STEM Education? (Martella et al., 2023)

For Thursday (February 29)

Theme: Race in/and the Computing Classroom

CS Teaching and Racial Identities in Interaction: A Case for Discourse Analytic Methods (Cheuoua, 2023)

Becoming Racially Literate About Data and Data-Literate About Race (Philip et al., 2016)

We Tell These Stories to Survive (Jones & melo, 2021)

The Rollout of Computer Science Education to Every Student in New York City (Holbert et al., 2020)

Week 10

For Tuesday (March 5)

Read counterpart team’s draft proposal & write a detailed review

For Thursday (March 7)

TBD: SIGCSE 2024 papers of note