CSE 590D: Computer-Based Learning Environments

Focal topic for Winter 2009: Assessment of Design and Problem-Solving

This quarter we address the issue of how to assess people's design and problem-solving knowledge and activity. Some specific issues are the following.
 -- Popular methods for problem solving (PS)
 -- Popular methods for design (D)
 -- Polya's heuristics for PS
 -- Components of D and PS knowledge
 -- How to collect evidence of D and PS knowledge
 -- Designing assessment rubrics for D and PS
 -- Automating the assessment of D and PS
 -- Grounding in D and PS for multimedia games

Our meetings are held on Mondays (changed from Wednesdays), from 4:00 to 5:00 PM, normally in CSE 624. Our first Monday meeting will be on January 12.

Participation generally involves reading one paper per week and from time to time, summarizing and leading the discussion of the week's paper. Interested students should sign up for 1 credit of CSE 590D.