CSE 590D Winter 2005

Computer-Based Learning Environments

Faculty coordinators: Steven Tanimoto and Bill Winn

Meeting location: Sieg 322

Meeting time: Wed. 3:30-4:20


This quarter the seminar continues a process of looking at the design and analysis of educational simulation environments such GenScope, ActivChemistry, AgentSheets, SimCity, and the Geometers Sketchpad. Some of the systems we are looking at this quarter include the Sims, Rollercoaster Tycoon, ActivChemistry, ToonTalk, and Virtus Walkthroughs. Each week, we will focus on one of these systems, examining the features it offers, the breadth and depth of the content area it addresses, its user interface, the pedagogical assumptions on which it is based, its software architecture, and the ways in which it is effective or ineffective.

At our first meeting, we will select a set of these systems and set up a schedule for discussing them.
