00:29:27 XinmingTu: If we use other technology such as ATAC-seq, will that be different? ( I assume it’s technology dependent, there will be some off-sets if use different technologies) 01:03:59 GGlusman: I wonder how much of the pattern is 'explained' by %GC 01:10:34 dh: Is the Hilbert/Peano curve better for visualization than a 2D model gotten from Hi-C? 01:10:52 GGlusman: @dh indeed! 01:11:41 dh: let's say a UMAP gotten from Hi-C data, to be concrete. 01:12:05 dh: Yes 01:12:55 GGlusman: I thought in a different direction - start from the linear chromosomes, and 'fold them' to maximize Hi-C inter/intra chrom connections 01:13:23 dh: what GG said... 01:14:06 dh: There are hybrid approaches. E.g. use HiC to generate a rough map, then Hilbertify it. 01:18:31 GGlusman: love this stuff!