CSE 590B - Graphics Seminar

Instructors:    Maneesh Agrawala, Brian Curless, Zoran Popovic, David Salesin, Steve Seitz
Time:                Wednesdays 3:30 - 5:00
Place:               MGH 284

Course announcement


topic organizer presenters paper(s)
10/810/22Model Simplification for AnimationZoran Antoine, Daichi, Keith, Brett  Animating Suspended Particle Explosions  , Precomputing Interactive Dynamic Deformable Scenes
10/2210/29Graphics and vision Brian Dan, Craig, Ankur, Ben Linear Light Source Reflectometry, Relighting with 4D Incident Light Fields, A Theory of Multiplexed Illumination
10/2911/5Graphics and vision Steve Aseem, Wil, Jiun-Hung, Li Zhang Object Removal by Exemplar-Based Inpainting, Fragment-Based Image Completion
11/511/12Cool stuff #1 David Mike R., Jiwon, Jia-chi, Donna Polaris: A System for Query, Analysis and Visualization of Multi-dimensional Relational Databases (extended paper), Multiscale Visualization Using Data Cubes
11/1212/3Cool stuff #2 (UI's/Visualization) Maneesh Adrien, Karen, Arnab, Mira Perceptually-Supported Image Editing of Text and Graphics, Resolving Anbiguities to Create a Natural Computer-Based Sketching Environment Optional: Perceptual Organization in an Interactive Sketch Editing Application, A Perceptually Supported Sketch Editor  
12/312/10Cool stuff #3 All Evan, Terri, Noah, Gary Conveying Shape and Features with Image-Based Relighting, Using Deformations for Browsing Volumetric Data, Gist: Image Stitching in the Gradient Domain  

There will be no class held on: 10/15, 11/19, or 11/26.

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