Running SML

Instructional Alphas, orcas and sanjuan

To use SML from a shell, you need to add /cse/courses/misc_lang/axp/sml/bin to your path (in your .cshrc file). Now you can type sml at the shell to get the SML interpreter.

The PMP Machines in Room 231

Click on the Start button, and choose the Programs menu. From there, select the Server Apps menu, and finally select SML NJ 109.28. To use the SML interpreter as you would from a shell, choose the run sml-cm option.

Your System

You can download and install SML yourself here.


When running SML, you can load the contents of a file by running

- use "file.sml";
which corresponds to (load "file.scm") in Scheme.

CSE 583