First Seed Papers
There are 2 options for seed papers to discuss for the first discussion:
- Imitation Learning as f-Divergence Minimization
- Diffusion Policy: Visuomotor Policy Learning via Action Diffusion
We want this discussion to give you an opportunity to practice coming up with new research ideas and scoping/defending them. For this assignment, we will give you options for seed papers. Building on whichever seed paper you picked, your assignment is to come up with a new idea that could plausibly be spun out into a new research paper. Don’t worry if it’s not perfect, it’s meant to be a learning exercise :)
The process of defining a new research idea requires you to
- Read and understand the seed paper
- Find ways to improve upon it
- Scope the related work around this
- Think of how to theoretically or empirically validate success
- Communicate the idea clearly and explain why it matters.
For the presentation, each group should come up with and present a 20 minute presentation + 5/7 for questions/discussion.
Aim to have your presentation cover the following sections:
- Motivation - tell us why this matters and what problem it solves in prior work
- Technical Idea - whats the core insight and algorithmic/technical insight
- Experiments - how would you validate this?
- Related Work - where does this place in the broader literature
- Potential Risks - how would you bake in risk mitigation into your project plan?
- Downstream Impacts - where do you see this proposed work having impact going forward?