Capturing image structure with probabilistic index maps N. Jojic and Y. Caspi One of the major problems in modeling images for vision tasks is that images with very similar structure may locally have completely different appearance, e.g., images taken under different illumination conditions, or the case of pedestrians with different clothing. While there have been many successful attempts to address these problems in application-specific settings, we believe that underlying a large set of problems in vision is a representational deficiency of intensity-derived local measurements that are the basis of most efficient models. We argue that interesting structure in images is better captured when the image is defined as a matrix whose entries are discrete indices to a separate palette of possible intensities, colors or other features, much like the image representation often used to save on storage. In order to model the variability in images, we define an image class not by a single index map, but by a probability distribution over the index maps, which can be automatically estimated from the data, and which we call probabilistic index maps. The existing algorithms can be adapted to work with this representation, as we illustrate in this paper on the example of transformation-invariant clustering and background subtraction. Furthermore, the probabilistic index map representation leads to algorithms with computational costs proportional to either the size of the palette or the log of the size of the palette, making the cost of significantly increased invariance to non-structural changes quite bearable.