Final Exam Topics CSE/EE 576 Spring 1995 The final examination will be given on Monday, June 5. Questions will cover some subset of the following: 1. Additive and "subtractive" color mixing. 2. Segmentation into regions. Definition. Split-and-merge algorithm. 3. shape: convex hulls, distance transforms, medial axis transformations and digital skeletons. 4. neural nets: perceptrons and perceptron training, linear separability, fundamental training theorem. (copies of lecture slides available at Engr. Lib. Copy Center). 5. model matching and pruning using geometric hashing. In addition you will be asked to describe two of the following five techniques that were on the midterm exam. You may not choose the one you already answered on the midterm exam. -- Edge detection using heuristic search as in Martelli's method. -- Design of edge-detection masks to maximize signal-to-noise, ratio, minimize localization error and minimize multiple responses to the same edge (Canny's approach). -- Use of the Karhunen-Loeve transformation to efficiently represent the vectors of a set. -- Use of Freeman's chain code and Ramer's polygonal approximation algorithm to obtain good representations of closed contours. -- Use of the Union-Find abstract data type in an algorithm for finding the connected components of an image by building a spanning forest.