CSE576: Computer Vision


The assignment page is at this link.

Final Project:

There will be a final project worth 25% of your final grade. The project should be done in teams of 2-3. Projects must involve MACHINE LEARNING, but otherwise are up to you to define. The project page is here.

Late Homework Policy:

Each assignment will have a regular due date and a late due date (2 days later). Late homework will be accepted up until the late deadline, but with 10% off per day. For example, if the late deadline is 2 days past the regular due date and you hand in the assignment one day late, you lose 10% and if two days late, you lose 20%. Each student gets one "free" late day for the whole quarter.

Lecture Notes:

Slides are a mishmash of lots of other people's work. Special thanks to: Rob Fergus, Joseph Redmon, Harvey Rhody, Steve Seitz, Rick Szeliski, Ali Farhadi, Robert Collins, Ricardo Martin Brualla.

Date Lecture Notes in PPT Lecture Notes in PDF Readings
March 29 Introduction Introduction None
March 31 Color and Texture; ink Color and Texture Shapiro & Stockman Ch 6-7
April 5 Resizing; ink Resizing None
April 7 Filtering; ink Filtering Shapiro & Stockman 5.4-5.5,
Szeliski 3.2, 3.3.1, Morphological operations
April 12 Edges and Lines; ink Edges and Lines Shapiro & Stockman 5.6-8 and 10.3.4,
Szeliski 4.2.1
April 14 Interest Operators; ink Interest Operators Szeliski 4.1.1, Harris Paper, SIFT paper
April 19 Describe and Match; ink Describe and Match Szeliski 4.1.2-4.1.3, SIFT paper
April 21 Matching and Blending Matching and Blending Szeliski 6.1
April 26 CBIR and EM; ink CBIR and EM S&S Ch 8; Yi's EM Classifier Paper
April 28 Learning 1; Kadir and Fergus; ink Learning 1; Kadir and Fergus Related to S&S Ch 4; Kadir paper; Fergus paper
May 4 Face Detection and Recognition; ink Face Detection and Recognition Viola Jones paper; S & S Ch 14.4.4
May 5-10 SVMs and Neural Nets; ink; SVMs and Neural Nets Related to S & S Ch 4 and Szeliski (2nd edition) Ch 5
May 12 Object Recognition; ink Object Recognition Girshick Paper; Redmon's YOLO Paper; Redmon's Talk
May 17 CNN Basics; GANs CNN Basics; GANs
May 19 Bindita's Facial Expression Research; Beibin's ASD Research; Kechun's Melanocytic Proliferation Research Bindita's Facial Expression Research; Beibin's ASD Research; Kechun's Melanocytic Proliferation Research PyTorch Tutorial
May 24 Motion; ink Motion Szeliski 8.4-8.5, S&S 9.3.4-6, Pyramid Paper; Ming Ye's paper; Motion Layers Paper
May 26 Stereo and 3D; ink Stereo and 3D Shapiro and Stockman Chs 12-13
May 31 NO CLASS Memorial Day
June 2 NO CLASS Work on your projects.

Text Books:

Course Administration and Policies

  • Collaboration is encouraged! Feel free to discuss howemork and class material with other students. However, make sure you understand the concepts. Each student will complete and submit their own work. Do not directly or indirectly copy other students' work.
  • If you are working together or helping another student, work on teaching them concepts and answering general questions, not directly telling them what code to write. You're all smart; you should understand the line between productive collaboration and giving someone answers.
  • It is the policy and practice of the University of Washington to create inclusive and accessible learning environments consistent with federal and state law. If you have already established accommodations with Disability Resources for Students (DRS), activate your accommodations via myDRS so we can discuss how they will be implemented in this course. If you have a temporary health condition or permanent disability that requires accommodations, contact DRS directly to set up an Access Plan.
  • Washington state law requires that UW develop a policy for accommodation of student absences or significant hardship due to reasons of faith or conscience, or for organized religious activities. The UW’s policy, including more information about how to request an accommodation, is available at Religious Accommodations Policy. Accommodations must be requested within the first two weeks of this course using the Religious Accommodations Request form.