CSE/EE 576: Computer Vision
Spring 2007
MW 1:30-2:50, MGH 228
Linda Shapiro
Office: 634 Allen Center, Phone: 206-543-2196, Email: shapiro@cs.washington.edu, Office Hours: 11-12 MW
Teaching Assistant
Indri Atmosukarto
, email
. TA Office: 218 Allen Center. Office Hours : 2-3pm TTH or by appointment. Phone: 206-685-6765
Related Texts
Shapiro and Stockman, Computer Vision, Prentice-Hall, 2001. Original chapters available at
this URL
Forsyth and Ponce, Computer Vision: A Modern Approach, Prentice-Hall, 2003.
Course Details
Basics: images, binary operations, filtering, edge operators
Color, Texture, Segmentation, Lines and Arcs
Interest Operators: Detectors and Descriptors
Use of Interest Operators: Recognition and Matching
Object Recognition
Content-Based Image Retrieval
3D Sensing, Camera Calibration, and Reconstruction
3D Shape Recognition
Course Software
CBIR Links
Evaluation: 3 programming projects (70%), exams (30%)