Jeffrey Bigham
Project 2

Test Sequence Panarama

Hill Panarama

Held Panarama

Unfortunately I didn't realize until too late that several pictures were missing from this so I couldn't do a full panarama. Shown below is what I was able to get with the missing pictures. It's a lesson in what happens when combining pictures that don't really align even though the program says they align almost perfectly because it can't find any good alignment between them.

Extra Credit: Multiple Jens

The following two panaramas contain approximately 10 shots of Jen. The first contains ghosting, the second not as much. To remove ghosting in the second, I detect when the pixels of the image have very different colors using a threshold and arbitrarily choose to keep all such pixels from one image over another based on the order that the program receives them.

Extra Credit: Deghosted Hill

This is the same panarama as above but I've attempted to remove the ghosting. To remove ghosting, I detect when the pixels of the image have very different colors using a threshold and arbitrarily choose to keep all such pixels from one image over another based on the order that the program receives them.