Feature Detection

Feature Description
Feature descriptors were an 11x11 window of colored pixel information around the feature. The featurs are taken from a subsampled, gaussian blurred image.

Feature Matching
Features were matched by euclidian distance. One of two thresholds was used to determine if matches were "good enough".

Reasons for design choices
Most of the design choices were made because they were the design presented in lecture and in the notes. Some ideas and details were refined by discussing with other students. Also some time was spent tweaking the constants.

Benchmark performance
Leuven: 110.620184
Bikes: 295.042907
Graf: 237.597278
Wall: 154.263520

Relative performance
I got these numbers from Indri:
Leuven: 12
Bikes: 25
Graf: 160
Wall: 81
In general, it does not perform nearly as well as SIFT.

It seems to do well overall, even in the face of translations, rotations and illuminations. It does best with outstanding features, but has more problems with features that are not very specific, such as the edges of clouds or small houses.
