Eigenfaces were calculated using the following 31 non smiling student faces.
Below are the average face and the first 11 eigenfaces along with their eigenvalues. Each 25x25 pixel eigenface has been enlarged here. Also, the value at each pixel in an eigenface has been linearly scaled and offset so that it lies between 0 and 255. This makes it harder to interpret what features each eigenface is trying to represent. We did no intensity normalization for the training images, so I would interpret eigenface 0 as the face that accounts for this. This coefficient would be higher for bright faces. Eigenface 1 could account for the darkness of the eye sockets. Maybe eigenface 3 accounts for mustached faces.
Average face |
Eigenface 0 1.20 x 107 |
Eigenface 1 2.35 x 106 |
Eigenface 2 1.95 x 106 |
Eigenface 3 1.73 x 106 |
Eigenface 4 1.06 x 106 |
Eigenface 5 9.39 x 105 |
Eigenface 6 7.63 x 105 |
Eigenface 7 6.53 x 105 |
Eigenface 8 5.33 x 105 |
EIgenface 9 4.56 x 105 |
Eigenface 10 4.35 x 105 |
The face recognition test that follows required several "userbase"s. A userbase stores the coefficients of many facial images projected onto a set of eigenfaces. Since a userbase is generated with a particular number of eigenfaces,16 different userbases were used for the recognition experiment. Each userbase was generated from the 31 non smiling images.
The following 31 smiling images correspond to the non-smiling images used to create eigenfaces:
For each of the smiling faces, a userbase was searched for a matching face that had the closest coefficients. The count of the number of correct matches for all the smiling images is plotted against how many eigenfaces were used to create the particular userbase.
The first trend in these results is that as you add more eigenfaces, the recognition becomes better. This makes sense because adding more eigenfaces essentially adds more detail to the abstract face description (coefficients) and allows the algorithm to consider more "attributes" of a face when finding a match.
The next trend is that beyond a certain number of eigenfaces, the matching ability of the algorithm does not increase much and can even decrease. Smiling faces really are different from non smiling faces. When using lots of eigenfaces, you are projecting these smiling faces into a space that doesn't characterize the variance of smiling faces well and the results become less meaningful.
I don't think this algorithm could achieve perfect recognition and wouldn't be surprised if the recognition rate became less accurate when even more faces were added to the experiment. The optimum number of eigenfaces to use would be the number that can amplify the variance between faces yet not be sensitive the variance between smiling and non smiling. It seems reasonable to use 10 for the rest of this project. Another approach, if we could use the smiling faces for training, would be to increase the number of eigenfaces and characterize how a face changes when smiling. Then a more sophisticated discrimination algorithm could be used that explicitly groups smiling and non smiling images of the same person together. The Moghaddam article that Steve pointed out does this to a certain extent [Moghaddam, B., "Principal Manifolds and Probabilistic Subspaces for Visual Recognition", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), June 2002 (Vol 24, Issue 6, pps 780-788)]
The eigenface technique obviously could not correctly identify every smiling face. The following images display more detail about some of the queries and were done using 11 eigenfaces. I have shown some of the results for a successful query - the correct face was identified, for an almost correct query - the correct face was ranked second, and for a failed query - the correct face was ranked 11th. It is interesting how the reconstruction of the smiling face doesn't have a smile. This is because the eigenface training was only done on non smiling faces. Looking at these samples, it would seem that the primary determinant for a successful match is how much a particular individuals face changes from non smiling to smiling. Smiling Ko looks very different from non smiling Ko, the cheeks are raised and the eyes are smaller. The reconstructed versions of these faces are relatively far apart.
Recognition query that worked | ||||||
Smiling Query | Closest matches from non smiling database | |||||
Name | Mullen | Mullen | Hazen | Echart | Lester | Gauthier |
Original | ||||||
Reconstructed | ||||||
MSE | 8.0 x 103 | 5.2 x 104 | 5.2 x 104 | 6.1 x 104 | 6.3 x 104 |
Recognition query that almost worked | ||||||
Smiling Query | Closest matches from non smiling database | |||||
Name | Hoyt | Gauthier | Hoyt | McNamara | Lane | Simon |
Original | ||||||
Reconstructed | ||||||
MSE | 2.0 x 104 | 2.3 x 104 | 2.7 x 104 | 2.9 x 104 | 3.1 x 104 |
Recognition query that didn't work | ||||||
Smiling Query | Closest matches from non smiling database | |||||
Name | Ko | Zhang | Mccnew | Gauthier | Li | Ko |
Original | ||||||
Reconstructed | ||||||
MSE | 4.3 x 104 | 4.9 x 104 | 5.2 x 104 | 5.5 x 104 | 8.6 x 104 |
I used the technique mentioned in the assignment for the error function. The MSE is multiplied by the distance the face is from the average and divided it by the variance of the face. This worked OK, but still could get fooled by low texture areas. Using this technique is quite slow because every pixel is scanned at a number of scales.
Below are some examples of found faces. They were found using 10 Eigenfaces trained with the non smiling images. The algorithm didn't work for every picture I tried. Some of the reasons are:
Cropped Aseem Optimum scale: 0.47 Error: 231 |
Cropped Peter Optimum Scale: 0.72 Error: 226 |
min_scale: 1.0, max_scale: 1.1, scale_step: 0.02
min_scale: 0.56, max_scale: 0.62, scale_step: 0.01
I morphed from Aseem to myself using the cropped images from above and 29 eigenfaces trained on the non smiling images:
The I morphed from myself away from Aseem:
I implemented the speedup as described in the document. The resulting eigenvalues were the same and the eigenvectors were the same within scaling factors of 1 or -1. The reduction in processing time was dramatic. Without the speed up it took 110 seconds and with the speedup it took 1 second to calculate the eigenfaces. Without the speedup the jacobi routine finds eigenvectors for a 625x625 matrix and with the speedup, it finds eigenvectors for a 31x31 matrix.