Part 1—Face Recognition
Average Face
The plot shows
that while there is fast improvement from 0 to 8 eigenfaces,
after 20, there is no improvement. This
implies that the benefits of adding eigen
faces reaches a threshold near this plateau.
Certainly more faces would demonstrate improved classification as eigenfaces approximated higher order terms, but the memory
consumption would outweigh the benefits.
Two pairs of
mismatches is:
is some similarity, but its not really
compelling. This shows that the eigenfaces can find orthogonally minimized directions that
seem counter intuitive, or at least go against ingrained ways of looking at
Part 2--Finding Faces & Cropping
Aseem’s picture was not recognized.
My efforts to make my
algorithm robust to large low texture areas worked for all colors except
black. My algorithm really likes large
black region’s and Aseem’s
picture had it in spades.
Other pictures with faces
could be found and cropped.
This picture from the web
could not be cropped b/c it found the black region of the jacket.
My code was able to find two
of the three faces in Group1
But not
able to find the faces in my friends Soccer team.
For all the
pictures, the scaling was chosen to reduce the face size in the picture to
about 25X 25 pixels. For the Group1
picture, I used 0.8 to 1.0 in 0.05 steps.
The false
positives were caused by regions of low contrast. I tried to fix this using Aseem’s
recommendation and also by setting a variance threshold, but nothing seemed to
Extra Credit.
did the verify Face Routine.