Evan Welbourne
Average face and 10 Eigenfaces
Correct Predictions vs. Eigenfaces Plot

1. The trend in the plot is fairly obvious: An increase in the
number of eigenfaces results (roughly) in a corresponding increase in
the number of correct recognitions. This is intuitive because with
each added eigenvector, we increase the amount of potential detail
achievable via projection onto them. The trade-off is
computational weight vs. accuracy, so to get the best accuracy with the
lightest weight computation, we should use about 23 eigenfaces.
2. A couple of recognition errors are as follows,
recognition could have been better for the first mistake, and was pretty
close for the second. Both errors were made using 33 eigenfaces:
downey.tga smile confused with
eckhart.tga, the correct picture of Doug not smiling was ranked
14th. |

downey.tga |

eckhart.tga |

downey.tga |
hile.tga smile confused with
welbourne.tga, the correct picture of Harlan not smiling was
ranked 2nd. |

downey.tga |

eckhart.tga |

downey.tga |
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