Image Library Notes

The image library is fairly complex, and you should not waste significant time exploring it.  Here is a synopsis of what you will need to understand from it.

  1. An image object, such as CByteImage or CFloatImage has two methods you will need to use:

    1.  CShape Shape(void): This returns a CShape object describing the dimensions of an image.  CShape has two important members: width and height.  You can access these integers directly.

    2. T& Pixel(int x, int y, int band):  The return type T will depend on the type of image.  This method gives access to a single pixel at coordinates (x,y).  The band parameter gives access to a single band of a multi-band image (such as a color image).


  2. The only file in ImageLib you should examine more carefully is Transform.h.  You will need the CTransform3x3 class.

If you find that you need something else from the Image Library, please email the TA.