CSE455 Project 2 Panoramic Mosaic: Artifacts

Kaiden Head Artifact

[panoramic] [jpeg image]

This was the best of the images we took. It had consistent lighting and with the Kaiden head we were able to get very nice stitching even though the scene was pretty close. The final artifact required minor tweaking of the stitching output on a couple of the images, but other than that it worked as expected.

Hand Held Artifact

[panoramic] [jpeg image]

Not suprisingly, the hand held images were tougher than with the Kaiden head. The stitch mode on the A10 really helped on the lateral movement, but it drifted quite a bit vertically over the process as can be seen on the bottom of the image. Also the stitching and blending between the images took more tweaking to get right. The exposure correction made the white washed area in the direction of Sieg also look a little better though.

Test Sequence

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Once the code was correct, this set of images went smoothly, although the blending looks a little blurrier than with the sample solution.

Test Sequence with Exposure Correction

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I added exposure correction to deal with the wide variety in exposure in these images. There is an effect, but not as good as I had hoped. With the wide vartiety in exposure, the images on the left quickly looked washed out if I tried to match perfectly, so I ended up limiting how much change I did. Adding something that enhanced contrast as well might be useful here.