Project I: Intelligent Scissors

by Xiao Li


"No, President. I AM ON DIET!"


1. Select a picture of whitehouse; Blur it by "Filter" since it would become the background.

2. Cut President's figure out of "Mr. Bush"; Make a shape transformation and brightness and color adjustment to let it fit well with the background. Using "Brush Selection" and "Filter" jointly to blur the edges a little bit.

3. Applying the same procedure as 2 to "Mr. Gorilla" and "Fruits"

4. Cut a banana out of "Banana with other fruits", make a shape transformation and rotation so that it could be put into President's hand. Use brush of photoshop to eliminate the incontinuity of Bush's hand.

5. A composite photo is done.

White house

Mr. Bush

The mask of Mr. Bush

Mr. Gorilla

The mask of Mr. Gorrila


The mask of fruits

Banana with other fruits

The mask of banana