Intelligent Scissors Artifact

Antoine McNamara

For this project, I had originally planned on cleverly compositing the two most evil people in the world together into one picture, Donald Rumsfeld and Saddam Hussein. It would have been a shocking statement, a visceral damnation of U.S. Foreign Policy and a call for all Americans to take responsibility for the established U.S. policy of supporting dictators and despots. Unfortunately, spending about 30 seconds with google, I found the following photo:

Foiled again! No intelligent scissors needed here...

Back up plan: stick your TA's head on a funny body.


Step 1

Find a picture of your TA and of a dancer (this one taken from a Paul Taylor dance sequence used by said TA in a previous project).

watermugweb.jpg dance.jpg

Step 2

Using Intelligent Scissors Tool, load the TA's image.


Step 3

Zoom in and select the TA's head, intelligently.


Step 4

Once the Alpha Matte has been extracted, "feather" it to create soft edges.


Step 5

Export the foreground matte of the head, and load it into Photoshop, along with the dancer picture.


Step 6

Copy the face image to a new layer in the dancer image.


Step 7

Use the "Free Transform" command to scale and position the new head above the dancer's body.


Step 8

Adjust the Hue/Saturation to match colors between the two sources.


Step 9

Lastly, apply a Gaussian blur to replicate the motion blur from the video sequence and touch up the neck area with the Eraser tool.


That's It! Fun for the whole family... Once again, the final result:
