- Reconstruct
- Scene geometry
- Camera motion
- The SFM Problem
- Reconstruct scene geometry and camera motion from two or more images
- Step 1: Track Features
- Detect good features
- Find correspondences between frames
- Lucas & Kanade-style motion estimation
- window-based correlation
- Step 2: Estimate Motion and
- Simplified projection model, e.g.,
[Tomasi 92]
- 2 or 3 views at a time [Hartley
- Step 3: Refine Estimates
- “Bundle adjustment” in photogrammetry
- Step 4: Recover Surfaces
- Image-based triangulation
[Morris 00, Baillard 99]
- Silhouettes [Fitzgibbon 98]
- Stereo [Pollefeys 99]
- Problem
- Find correspondence between n features in f images
- Issues
- What’s a feature?
- What does it mean to “correspond”?
- How can correspondence be reliably computed?
- Recall Lucas-Kanade equation:
- Correspondence Problem
- Given feature patch F in frame H, find best match in frame I
- Feature may change shape over time
- Need a distortion model to really make this work
- So far we’ve only considered two frames
- Basic extension to f frames
- Select features in first frame
- Given feature in frame i, compute position/deformation in i+1
- Select more features if needed
- i = i + 1
- If i < f, go to step 2
- Idea
- Can get better performance if we know something about the way points
- Most approaches assume constant velocity
- Use above to predict position in next frame, initialize search
- Kalman Filtering (http://www.cs.unc.edu/~welch/kalman/ )
- Updates feature state and Gaussian uncertainty model
- Get better prediction, confidence estimate
- CONDENSATION (http://www.dai.ed.ac.uk/CVonline/LOCAL_COPIES/ISARD1/condensation.html
- Also known as “particle filtering”
- Updates probability distribution over all possible states
- Can cope with multiple hypotheses
- Treat tracking problem as a Markov process
- Estimate p(xt | zt,
- prob of being in state xt given measurement zt
and previous state xt-1
- Combine Markov assumption with Bayes Rule
- Key
- s = x (position)
- o = z (sensor)
- Allocate samples according to probability
- Higher probability—more samples
- Prediction:
- draw new samples from the PDF
- use the motion model to move the samples
- Particle Filters [Fox, Dellaert, Thrun and collaborators]
- Red: smooth drawing
- Green: scribble
- Blue: pause
- The SFM Problem
- Reconstruct scene geometry and camera positions from two or more images
- Assume
- Pixel correspondence
- Projection model
- classic methods are orthographic
- newer methods use perspective
- practically any model is possible with bundle adjustment
- Trick
- Choose scene origin to be centroid of 3D points
- Choose image origins to be centroid of 2D points
- Allows us to drop the camera translation:
- SVD decomposes any mxn matrix A as
- Properties
- Σ is a diagonal matrix containing the eigenvalues of ATA
- known as “singular values” of A
- diagonal entries are sorted from largest to smallest
- columns of U are eigenvectors of AAT
- columns of V are eigenvectors of ATA
- If A is singular (e.g., has rank 3)
- only first 3 singular values are nonzero
- we can throw away all but first 3 columns of U and V
- Choose M’ = U’, S’ = Σ’V’T
- Orthographic Camera
- Rows of P are orthonormal:
- Weak Perspective Camera
- Rows of P are orthogonal:
- Enforcing “Metric” Constraints
- Compute A such that rows of M have these properties
- Independently Moving Objects
- Perspective Projection
- Outlier Rejection
- Subspace Constraints
- SFM Without Correspondence
- Several Recent Approaches
- [Christy 96]; [Triggs 96]; [Han 00]; [Mahamud 01]
- Initialize with ortho/weak perspective model then iterate
- Christy & Horaud
- Derive expression for weak perspective as a perspective projection plus
a correction term:
- Basic procedure:
- Run Tomasi-Kanade with weak perspective
- Solve for ei (different
for each row of M)
- Add correction term to W, solve again (until convergence)
- 3D → 2D mapping
- a function of intrinsics K, extrinsics R & t
- measurement affected by noise
- Log likelihood of K,R,t given {(ui,vi)}
- Minimized via nonlinear least squares regression
- called “Bundle Adjustment”
- e.g., Levenberg-Marquardt
- described in Press et al., Numerical Recipes
- Film industry is a heavy consumer
- composite live footage with 3D graphics
- known as “match move”
- Commercial products
- Show video
- Problem
- requires good tracked features as input
- Can we use SFM to help track points?
- basic idea: recall form of
Lucas-Kanade equation:
- with n points in f frames, we can stack into a big matrix
- C. Baillard & A. Zisserman, “Automatic Reconstruction of Planar
Models from Multiple Views”, Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition Conf. (CVPR 99) 1999, pp. 559-565.
- S. Christy & R. Horaud, “Euclidean shape and motion from multiple
perspective views by affine iterations”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern
Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 18(10):1098-1104, November 1996 (ftp://ftp.inrialpes.fr/pub/movi/publications/rec-affiter-long.ps.gz
- A.W. Fitzgibbon, G. Cross, & A. Zisserman, “Automatic 3D Model
Construction for Turn-Table Sequences”, SMILE Workshop, 1998.
- M. Han & T. Kanade, “Creating 3D Models with Uncalibrated Cameras”,
Proc. IEEE Computer Society Workshop on the Application of Computer
Vision (WACV2000), 2000.
- R. Hartley & A. Zisserman, “Multiple View Geometry”, Cambridge
Univ. Press, 2000.
- R. Hartley, “Euclidean Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Views”, In
Applications of Invariance in Computer Vision, Springer-Verlag, 1994,
pp. 237-256.
- M. Isard and A. Blake, “CONDENSATION -- conditional density propagation
for visual tracking”, International Journal Computer Vision, 29, 1,
5--28, 1998. (ftp://ftp.robots.ox.ac.uk/pub/ox.papers/VisualDynamics/ijcv98.ps.gz
- S. Mahamud, M. Hebert, Y. Omori and J. Ponce, “Provably-Convergent
Iterative Methods for Projective Structure from Motion”,Proc. Conf. on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, (CVPR 01), 2001. (http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~mahamud/cvpr-2001b.pdf
- D. Morris & T. Kanade, “Image-Consistent Surface Triangulation”,
Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conf. (CVPR 00), pp.
- M. Pollefeys, R. Koch & L. Van Gool, “Self-Calibration and Metric
Reconstruction in spite of Varying and Unknown Internal Camera
Parameters”, Int. J. of Computer Vision, 32(1), 1999, pp. 7-25.
- J. Shi and C. Tomasi, “Good Features to Track”, IEEE Conf. on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 94), 1994, pp. 593-600 (http://www.cs.washington.edu/education/courses/cse590ss/01wi/notes/good-features.pdf
- C. Tomasi & T. Kanade, ”Shape and Motion from Image Streams Under
Orthography: A Factorization
Method", Int. Journal of Computer Vision, 9(2), 1992, pp. 137-154.
- B. Triggs, “Factorization methods for projective structure and motion”,
Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conf. (CVPR 96), 1996,
pages 845--51.
- M. Irani, “Multi-Frame Optical Flow Estimation Using Subspace
Constraints”, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV),
1999 (http://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/~irani/abstracts/flow_iccv99.html