
Multiview stereo

Choosing the Baseline

The Effect of Baseline on Depth Estimation

Slide 5

Slide 6

Multibaseline Stereo

The visibility problem

Volumetric stereo

Discrete formulation:  Voxel Coloring

Complexity and computability


Slide 13

Reconstruction from Silhouettes (C = 2)

Volume intersection

Voxel algorithm for volume intersection

Properties of Volume Intersection

Slide 18

Voxel Coloring Approach

Depth Ordering:  visit occluders first!

Panoramic Depth Ordering

Panoramic Depth Ordering

Panoramic Layering

Panoramic Layering

Compatible Camera Configurations

Calibrated Image Acquisition

Voxel Coloring Results (Video)

Limitations of Depth Ordering

Slide 29

Space Carving Algorithm


Which shape do you get?

Slide 33

Space Carving Algorithm

Multi-Pass Plane Sweep

Multi-Pass Plane Sweep

Multi-Pass Plane Sweep

Multi-Pass Plane Sweep

Multi-Pass Plane Sweep

Multi-Pass Plane Sweep

Space Carving Results:  African Violet

Space Carving Results:  Hand

House Walkthrough

Space Carving Results:  House

Space Carving Results:  House

Space Carving Results:  House

Other Approaches

