Click to edit Master text styles
Second level
Third level
Fourth level
Fifth level
As opposed to [0..255]
Render with scanalyze????
E.g., gray scale, contrast enhancement (gamma), image thresholding, etc...
 tx  =  2x, ty  =  y
Then, how about ty = -y/3?
show image morphing applet:  http://www.colonize.com/warp/
Inverse is also linear
Salt and pepper and impulse noise can be due to transmission errors (e.g., from deep space probe), dead CCD pixels, specks on lens
We’re going to focus on Gaussian noise first.
If you had a sensor that was a little noisy and measuring the same thing over and over, how would you reduce the noise?
Replace each pixel with the average of a kxk window around it
Move around over previous slide
Replace each pixel with the average of a kxk window around it
What happens if we use a larger filter window?
Demo with photoshop
ones, divide by 9
They are the same for filters that have both horizontal and vertical symmetry.
For big filters, can be faster to convert to fourier domain, then multiply, then convert back
Better at salt’n’pepper noise
Not convolution: try a region with 1’s and a 2, and then 1’s and a 3