SPUDD review

From: Parag (parag_at_cs.washington.edu)
Date: Fri May 02 2003 - 10:59:59 PDT

  • Next message: Tal Shaked: "SPUDD - review"

    SPUDD : Stochastic Planning using Decision Diagrams
    Hoey, St-Aubin, Hu & Boutilier

    The paper presents an efficient of way performing value
    iteration in MDP's using the compact representation offered
    by ADD's.

    The main idea of the paper is to how the ADDs can be used
    to compactly represent the MDPs. Realizing
    that there is a lot of duplication in the SPI methods
    which use decision trees, they propose using ADDs instead
    to avoid duplication to save memory as well computation time.
    In particular, they formulate how the value function as
    well the action representation can be represented using
    ADDs and how the policy iteration can be performed on
    these compact representations without actually ever
    enumerating the state space.

    The authors also propose a couple of optimizations to
    improve the space/time efficiency in the naive implementation,
    which I did not quite understand.

    The experimental section seems quite fair and gives some
    insight into where SPUDD might not work that well.

    I did not find any flaws in the paper. Though, one thing that
    the authors themselves point out is that in the cases where
    there is not much duplication, the benefit that you get
    from using ADDs may be much less than overheads imposed
    by the ADD representation. So, one could possible look at
    automatically identifying the domains where it would be useful
    to follow the above techniques, and where it might not be.

    Another future direction, as pointed by author themselves, is
    to exploit the idea of variable ordering to see if that
    gives any significant benefits in the performance.

  • Next message: Tal Shaked: "SPUDD - review"

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