Probabilistic Graphplan Review

From: Parag (
Date: Tue Apr 29 2003 - 11:03:09 PDT

  • Next message: Christophe Bisciglia: "P/TGraphplan"

    Paper Title: Probabilistic Planning in the Graphplan Framework
    Authors: Avrim L. Blum and John C. Langford

    The paper talks about how to extend the graphplan technique to the
    case of probabilistic domains - in particular, the domains where
    state of world is known completely but actions are probabilistic.

    First, the idea of how to extend the representation of the planning graph
    in case of probabilistic domains, though intuitive, is quite important
    in the formulation of the problem.

    Second, the authors do a good job of separating out two cases - one, where you
    can find the optimal policy but the performance is not so good (PGraphplan).
    The other case, where performance is comparable to the deterministic case
    but only the optimal trajectory is output rather than the complete policy

    In case of PGraphplan, the way the information is propagated through
    the graph seems a bit ad-hoc. There is no clear justification as
    to how exactly the extra time spent during the backward sweep
    would give benefits for the forward search for the goal, how much
    extra information to be collected etc.

    I had some problems with the experiments section. First, as usual,
    representing the results in graphical form could have been more
    useful. Second, I would have liked to get more insight into
    where exactly TGraphplan performs almost optimally and where all
    it does not perform well.

    As the authors themselves point out, finding out better ways of propagating
    information through the backward sweep might help in enhancing the performance
    of PGraphplan. Second, identifying where exactly TGraphplan works and where
    it fails might give more insight into the problem.

    One could also analyze how to extend these ideas to the case of
    partially observable domains.

  • Next message: Christophe Bisciglia: "P/TGraphplan"

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