KF algorithm

From: Christophe Bisciglia (chrisrb_at_cs.washington.edu)
Date: Fri Apr 25 2003 - 10:49:45 PDT

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    Welch and Bishop An Introduction to the Kalman Filter

    This paper provides an overview Kalman Filters (KF). KF provides a method
    for estimating the state of discrete time models such that the current
    approximation depends only on the previous.

     The big ideas in my mind were the following. First, the fact that the
    current state depends only on the prior leads to fast efficient
    implementations. However, in order to make this work, the KF algorithm is
    limited to linear processes . which is restrictive, but nevertheless,
    still allows for a large class of processes to be estimated. The other
    idea that I liked was the algorithms optimality with respect to minimizing
    the estimated error.

    My complaint with the paper was its reliance on the equations to provide
    an .introduction. . I.d hate to see the actual explanation. I don.t have a
    heavy statistical background, and I had a very hard time even pulling the
    main points out. It would have been very helpful to have some more
    abstract explanations with pretty pictures.

    As far as open research goes, I resort to consider what would happen
    without the simplifying assumptions. Could the KF algorithm work with
    non-linear processes . it seems like not in its current form, but could
    one come up with any form of a tweak, or a sample of previous states to
    store that could facilitate approximation with reasonable space

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