Heuristic Search in Belief Space - review

From: Tal Shaked (tshaked_at_u.washington.edu)
Date: Tue Apr 22 2003 - 00:31:53 PDT

  • Next message: Nan Li: "Heuristic Search in Belief Space"

    Planning with Incomplete Information as Heuristic Search in Belief Space –
    B. Bonet, H. Geffner

    This paper discusses how to explicitly represent planning problems with
    incomplete information as search problems in belief space, and then
    describes a planner they built that uses a heuristic computed from a relaxed
    problem with full state observability, which is tested on several domains.

    It was interesting to see how conformant planning, contingent planning, and
    probabilistic contingent planning were each represented as search problems
    in belief space. Specifically it is shown how conformant planning can be
    described as deterministic planning in belief space, while both contingent
    planning and probabilistic contingent planning can be described as
    non-deterministic planning in belief space. In this way the optimal cost
    function is the Bellman equation that assigns a cost to a belief state based
    the minimum cost of an action plus the resulting belief state.

    The primary heuristic used is the optimal cost function over a relaxed
    problem with full state observability which is computable in polynomial time
    to the size of the state space.. In this way the value of a given belief
    state can be estimated from the maximum value obtained over the relaxed
    problem for each possible state in the belief state. A greedy policy alone
    is insufficient since it may result in long paths or looping, so instead a
    combination is used call real time dynamic programming. Initially the
    heuristic is used, but as the search progress the costs are updated with
    more accurate values.

    There were a few times when results showed little or no improvement from the
    heuristic search. This was noted, but no explanation or guess was given
    which seems a little dissatisfying. The tables contain a lot of numbers, so
    it might have been better to graph them to see how fast they grow and
    compare the slopes to other planners. Only toy problems were used, so it is
    not clear how useful these techniques are for real-world problems,
    considering that it may not scale well.

    Future work could include exploring why some domains worked well (and not
    well) for the given heuristic. As mentioned in the paper, developing
    heuristics for other domains such as those that are purely information
    gathering problems, could be looked at. Perhaps a cheaper heuristic can be
    used that will scale to larger problems (10^5 does not seem that big for a
    state space).

  • Next message: Nan Li: "Heuristic Search in Belief Space"

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