Review of SPUDD

From: Alexander Yates (
Date: Fri Apr 18 2003 - 16:39:08 PDT

  • Next message: Stanley Kok: "Spudd Review"

    Review of SPUDD, Stochastic Planning Using Decision Diagrams. Jesse Hoey,
    Robert St-Aubin, Alan Hu, and Craig Boutilier.

    SPUDD is a planner for STRIPS-like problems with uncertainty in the effects
    of actions and the current state of the world. It makes the stationary
    Markov assumption. It uses algebraic decision diagrams (ADDs) to make
    relatively compact representations of the transition function, the reward
    function, and the optimal value and policy functions.

    I installed SPUDD and tried a number of their example domains. I had
    trouble compiling the fltk-based GUI, so I was stuck looking at the text
    output. Several things struck me about the planner. For one, the size of
    the problems it handles are smaller than STRIPS planners, which makes sense
    of course, since the problems are harder. The factory6 domain, for example,
    has ~35 variables and ~20 actions, and it took about 13.6 minutes to solve.
    I don't really know how fast STRIPS planners would be on comparably-sized
    domains, but it seems like it's kinda slow.

    I was also struck by the size of the output. Since STRIPS planners just
    need to output a valid plan, their output is a function of the number of
    actions in the plan. The output for SPUDD is an optimal policy, whose size
    is a function of the size of the state space. Even for medium-sized
    problems, like factory1 (21 variables), the optimal policy took up a file of
    close to 6000 lines. The output is also fairly unintelligible to me,
    although I expect that it would be much easier to read the diagrams (even if
    they're big) than it is to read the text output.


  • Next message: Stanley Kok: "Spudd Review"

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