Refinement Planning - review

From: Parag (
Date: Tue Apr 15 2003 - 11:19:23 PDT

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    Refinement Planning as a Unifying Framework for Plan Synthesis
     - Subbarao Kambhapmpati

    The paper presents refinmenet planning as a generalized
    paradigm which subsumes most of the approaches to classcial planning as
    a special case.

    One of the main ideas in the paper was to clearly separate the
    refinement of the current plan set and the solution extraction phase
    in any planning algorithm. Although simplistic, it does seem to
    represent the successful planners like graphplan and satplan as
    illustrated by the paper. This seems to give useful insight what
    different planners do and where one could improve their performances.

    Also, the idea of splitting - as a tradeoff between time spent
    for solution extraction and search time seemed quite insightful.
    Another related idea was to use disjunctive plans for efficient
    planning and the graphplan being a special case of it.

    One of the problems that I felt was with the tradeoff section.
    The section on asymptotic trade off seemed a little too
    abstract. Some more elaborations could have been given
    providing more insight into where would one refinement strategy
    work over the others. And similarly, the section on empirical
    trade-offs did not convey much. Also, the author did not
    talk much about scaling up refinements - it was not clear
    to me what he meant by saying scaling up refinement
    planners - if the claim is that most of the planners
    are essentially nothing but refinement planners - are
    we talking about scaling up each and every planning

    Some of the directions for the future work could be:

    1. As already pointed out, exploring the learning techniques
    to improve the performance of the planner.

    2. Extending the idea of refinement planning to non-classical

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