Refinement planning review

From: Tal Shaked (
Date: Mon Apr 14 2003 - 22:35:12 PDT

  • Next message: Kevin Sikorski: "Refinement planning"

    Refinement Planning as a Unifying Framework for Plan Synthesis – Subbarao

    This paper considers many of the techniques planners currently use, and
    unifies them into one abstract framework describing at a high level the
    process that takes place when going from a planning problem to a solution.
    In particular, it discusses the notion of refinement planning in which the
    set of all action sequences is reduced to the set of all solutions.

    The most important ideas relate to the mapping or grouping of existing
    planners into the hierarchy described. Specifically there is the idea of a
    plan set, which can be split into components and handled separately
    (analogous to branching in state space, or adding an action to plan space),
    and also that the candidate set can be pruned by using structure in the
    problem. The examples of standard refinements do a good job of illustrating
    the more abstract ideas, as well as describing the types of refinements.

    Another important aspect is the separation of refinement from solution
    extraction. Refinement reduces the search space, and solution extraction is
    a form of CSP. The extremes and variations are illustrated through examples
    such as a standard state space search versus a naïve complication to a
    satisfiability problem. This abstract representation of the planning
    problem also allows an intuitive description of planning complexity, and the
    tradeoffs between various properties and their relative computational costs.

    This unification of techniques also more clearly highlights what areas have
    been well explored, as well as what future areas seem promising. This
    allows the author to back up many of his opinions in where to focus future

    The challenge of abstracting a well-known problem can be tricky when the
    reader is familiar with many specific techniques. For whatever reason, it
    was not clear to me what the main idea was until a second reading. Perhaps
    a more concrete mapping of current planners to the refinement and solution
    extraction abstraction earlier on would have made things clearer. There
    also seemed to be a lot of new terms introduced in order to clearly describe
    the abstraction, which made things confusing. It took some time to
    appreciate what exactly some terms meant such as plan set, candidate set,
    progressive, systemic, partial plan, minimal candidate, etc. In fact they
    often were not used until much later in the specific mappings of current

    There was a ton of research questions given related to filling in the holes
    of mixing different refinement techniques. Given the trend at the time (and
    now), some of the more interesting areas appear to be the disjunctive
    representation which takes into account some structure of the problem, but
    moves a lot of the cost to the solution extraction phase which hopefully can
    be done efficiently using CSP techniques. Not surprisingly many of the best
    planners use variants of planning graphs and satisfiability compilations.
    Also mentioned was the idea of using disjunctive representations for
    non-classical problems such as incomplete information that require
    contingent planning and might be well suited for that kind of refinement.
    Finally it sounds appealing to further explore learning techniques to
    discover structure in the problem to guide which refinement technique to

  • Next message: Kevin Sikorski: "Refinement planning"

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