Review of Planning as Heuristic Search

From: Stanley Kok (
Date: Thu Apr 10 2003 - 21:08:08 PDT

  • Next message: Tal Shaked: "HSPr review"

    Paper Title: Planning as Heuristic Search: New Results
    Authors: Blai Bonet and Hector Geffner

    One-line summary:
    The paper presents an improved Heuristic Search Planner that performs
    regressive search.

    Most Important Ideas in the Paper:
    1. Regressive search improves the performance of HSP. This reinforces
    the efficacy of the commonly used regressive search strategy.

    2. Graphplan is a form of HSP. This provides another angle from which
    to analyze and improve Graphplan.

    Flaw in the Paper:
    1. Even though it argues that Graphplan is a form of heuristic
    search, the paper does not perform any experiment to bear this out,
    nor did it provide a rigorous proof. This gives an incomplete feel
    to the paper.

    Important, open research questions:
    1. HSPr performs well in some domains but not others (e.g. 'grid').
    What kinds of domain lend themselves to being solved by HSPr? And
    what features makes a domain unsolvable by HSPr? The answers can
    guide our application of different planning paradigms to new

    2. Could other planners (in addition to Graphplan) be reduced to
    a heuristic search planner? If this is the case, we can focus our
    efforts on improving the performance of heuristic search planners.

  • Next message: Tal Shaked: "HSPr review"

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