SATPlan Review

From: Christophe Bisciglia (
Date: Tue Apr 08 2003 - 13:00:31 PDT

  • Next message: Alexander Yates: "Review of Automatic SAT-Compilation of Planning Problems"

    Automatic SAT-Compilation of Planning Problems . M. Ernst, T. Millstein,
    D. Weld

    This paper discusses means to automatically compile STRIPS planning
    problems to SAT problems.

    I am personally having a bit of trouble swallowing the whole paper, but
    even with my lesser experence in this area, I think I have a reasonable
    grasp on the two main ideas from the paper. First, Kautz showed in his
    earlier work that planning problems could be reduced to satisfiability
    problems, and the solution to the SAT could be converted back into a plan.
    However, Kautz used hand conversion to SAT, which I can only imagine was
    time consuming, but nevertheless, very compact. This paper shows that this
    process can be automated by a SAT compiler. The paper emprically compares
    the difference between 4 action representaions, and 2 frams axioms leading
    to 8 different encodings. This is where I get a bit sketchy, but I think
    the next main point is as such. A direct compilation seems to be bloated,
    but the paper addresses this through optimizations that can be made to the
    formula. Specifically, factoring dampens an exponential blowup in the size
    of the formula (it was stated that in the worst case, it has no effect,
    but in practice is quite useful).

    The largest flaw in this paper I could detect had to do with explaining
    the results. Even after staring at the graphs in figure 6, the dense data
    points left me confused. Although section 5 explains some of this, when it
    refers back to the graphs, it looses me. The most convincing explanations
    of the experiments to me were in section 5.3 and the comparison to
    Satplan. I was impressed that an automated compiler could come within a
    factor of 2 of a hand generated compilation. Another aspect of this paper
    was mention earlier by Krzysztof, and I to find it concerning that path
    lengths must be specified ahead of time. This seems to work sell with
    familiar problems, but I question how well it would generalize to more
    complicated, less familiar problems.

    What interests me with respect to further research stems form an
    assumption about how things are working with solving SAT. Since SAT is
    NP-C, I.m assuminmg some heuristic solution is being used. Since NP-C
    problems are all reducible to eachother, I wonder if NP-C problems with
    better heuristic solutions might yield better planners. Another thing that
    would be interesting to explore, and this may be naïve, but since this
    approach requires the path length to be specified up front, I wonder if
    one could come up with a way to make an educated guess at the path length
    from the problem description, and start looking for paths around that
    length, and then exploring paths of lenths farther off.

  • Next message: Alexander Yates: "Review of Automatic SAT-Compilation of Planning Problems"

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