SAT-Compilation Review

From: Stanley Kok (
Date: Tue Apr 08 2003 - 01:12:55 PDT

  • Next message: Stefan B. Sigurdsson: "Automatic compilation to SAT"

    Paper Title: Automatic SAT-Compilation of Planning Problems
    Authors: Michael D. Ernst, Todd D. Millstein, Daniel S. Weld

    One-line summary:
    This paper presents novel encodings of STRIPS schema, and
    experimentally compares how the encodings affects a
    SAT-Compiler's performance on planning problems.

    Most Important Ideas in the Paper:
    1. The framework of action and frame encodings and the
    classification of factoring techniques are important ideas.
    This is because they provide a clear taxonomy for the comparison
    of encodings and optimizations for SAT-compilations of planning

    2. Another important idea is the discovery (against conventional
    wisdom then) that regular action representation is effective .
    This suggest that the simple approach of using regular action
    encoding is sufficient to solve some real-world problems.

    Flaw in the Paper:
    1. The paper speculates on the possible causes of the performance
    differences of the encodings but does not proceed to verify them. For
    example, it speculates that the simplifier's type optimizations
    reduce formula sizes but does not perform any test to support it.

    Important, open research questions:
    1. From Fig 6, we can see that the encoding with the best solution
    times varies from problem to problem. This suggests that the
    structure of the problem lends itself to different optimal
    representation. Can a problem be formally classified based on some
    "structure criteria"? With such a criteria, we can select the
    encoding to best solve a problem.

    2. The MEDIC planner iteratively tries plans of longer length.
    Instead of starting from length one, is there a way to
    intelligently guess the approximate "right" length to start
    searching for a solution? Could the structure of the problem
    give insight to this length? With such a length, we can restrict
    our search to the space close to the solution.

  • Next message: Stefan B. Sigurdsson: "Automatic compilation to SAT"

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