Local Search in LPG

From: Kevin Sikorski (kws_at_cs.washington.edu)
Date: Mon Jun 02 2003 - 23:26:58 PDT

  • Next message: Stanley Kok: "Review of LPG Paper"

    Local Search Techniques for Temporal Planning in LPG
    by Algonso Gerevini, Ivan Serina, Alessandro Saetti, Sergio Spinoni

    This paper combines heuristic-guided search, stochastic local search, and
    action graphs in a temporal planner. The primary contributions of this
    paper was the use of local search via WALKPLAN. At each step, they select
    the next TA-graph through a variant on WALKSAT, estimating the "value" of
    each possible graph in the local search neighborhood through heuristics.

    The huge spike on the Rovers-Time/Speed graph is interesting. Is there
    some artifact in the problem that makes this much harder to solve than the
    others? Or is this an artifact of the WALKPLAN module (ie, unlucky random
    numbers)? If it's the former, it would be interesting to see what about
    the problem made it so much harder to solve. The authors also only
    presented graphs for 3 of the 5 problem domains - I would like to know if
    LPG performed better or worse in the missing two domains.

    This paper was pretty dense. They did admit that there was a longer more
    in-depth paper. Adding something to improve the organization, and offer
    an early, high-level algorithm for the planner would have helped.

    It may be useful to incorporate some degree of learning in the
    WALKPLAN/heuristic search. For example, the evaluation function of
    similar sections of the TA graph would likely be similar. This could
    produce a heuristic of the heuristic function, allowing the planner to
    focus compute time on more accurately examining more promising areas of
    the evaluation function.

  • Next message: Stanley Kok: "Review of LPG Paper"

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