From: Nan Li (
Date: Tue May 27 2003 - 10:51:47 PDT

  • Next message: Christophe Bisciglia: "TGP"

    Temporal Planning with Mutual Exclusion Reasoning / David E. Smith, Daniel
    S. Weld

    This paper extends GraphPlan to temporal planning. The planner, TGP,
    allows different duration, concurrency, and limited temporally quantified

    When actions have differing durations, an important change must be done to
    the original Graphplan: the symmetric alternate levels of actions and
    propositions no longer makes sense, unless a bunch of "advance-time"
    actions filled in. The authors represent a compact graph structure to
    replace the levels. Recall actions/propositions at previous level are
    copied to a newly generated level in the original graph structure, now
    there are only two levles, each for actions and propositions. Each action
    and proposition will be only one node in the graph, with labels marking
    the first time it appears. This tight structure saves space and time
    costs, and more importantly, makes it possible that actions/propositions
    can be labeled by arbitrary numbers.

    Next, the authors introduce new action/proposition mutex, which is defined
    based on their conservative model of action: preconditions must hold
    throughout execution, and the effects are undefined until the end of
    execution. They also divide mutexes into two groups: eternal and
    conditional mutexes. The conditional mutexes only hold in certain
    intervals. These enhancements maintain concurrency information
    between actions/propositions. Empirical results show noticeable speedup
    with these techniques.

    It's also interesting to compare the solution extraction procedure in TGP
    and in the original Graphplan algorithm. To deal with concurrent actions,
    a partially completed plan is kept during exploration. Here, since the
    algorithm slides each action to the rightmost end, it might be
    unnecessary to record of every executed action for search: only those
    scheduled yet uncompleted action at the search time is needed.

    Although TGP is fast enough for practical domains, it can handle only a
    limit scope of continuous time constraints. So, as the authors mention, an
    obvious open topic is to extend it to a richer temporal planning domain.
    Speeding up exact reasoning for cmutex may be also wanted.

  • Next message: Christophe Bisciglia: "TGP"

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