Temporal Graphplan

From: Alexander Yates (ayates_at_cs.washington.edu)
Date: Tue May 27 2003 - 10:26:34 PDT

  • Next message: Sumit Sanghai: "TGP review"

    Review of "Temporal Planning with Mutual Exclusion Reasoning," by Smith and

    This paper describes how to use mutex relations when planning with actions
    that can have arbitrary durations.

    The authors add two key components to the mutex reasoning of TGP, their
    planner. First is the ability to make actions and propositions mutex so
    that if a proposition could become true in the middle of some action's
    execution and violate that action's preconditions or effects, the action and
    proposition can be labeled mutex. The other new component are the cmutexes
    and their labels. Although they need to be approximated for efficiency
    reasons, these conditions, in conjunction with action/prop. mutexes, provide
    flexibility to express more mutexes than would otherwise be possible.

    I'm not quite sure what figure 5 shows.

    It doesn't seem like TGP would have the right level of expressivity for NASA
    rovers (assuming that's what they're aiming for, could be wrong), since
    these things need to think about resource consumption (continuous change)
    and actions with variable duration and such. The paper talks about
    extending it in various ways, but it's not clear to me that this framework
    can handle these kinds of things.

    One possible algorithm extension for speeding things up is using EBL (which
    could get kinda complicated with the different time intervals) & DDB, which
    seemed pretty helpful for STAN.


  • Next message: Sumit Sanghai: "TGP review"

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