____'s Paradox

From: Tal Shaked (tshaked_at_u.washington.edu)
Date: Fri May 23 2003 - 11:00:20 PDT

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    Temporal Planning with Continuous Change – Penberthy, Weld

    This paper describes how to extend partial-order-planning to implement a
    sound and complete planner that can deal with deadline goals, metric
    preconditions, metric effects, and continuous change, through additional
    constraints and links, and a modified algorithm to select and reduce goals.

    An important aspect of this paper is Zeno’s action schema and language that
    allows these temporal and metric definitions. This has to be descriptive
    enough to model interesting problems, but also reasonable enough to fit
    within the POP framework. In particular, this includes adding start and end
    times to actions, and equality and inequality constraints that can model
    metric values and continuous change through some time interval.

    A plan consists of a set of instantiated actions, a set of causal links
    (protection ranges), and a set of constraints (equality, inequality,
    non-codesignation, metric). The planning algorithm tries all ways to
    decompose a complex goal, choose actions to satisfy goals, and deal with
    constraints, in search of a consistent plan. The additional constraints
    that include linear equations, inequalities, and non-linear equations can be
    solved using Gaussian elimination and linear programming algorithms
    (Simplex), while non-linear equations will eventually be simplified to
    linear equations.

    The experiments section was sparse. I was also surprised that little was
    said about the optimization problem, which is very natural for these kind of
    domains (instead sound and complete was mentioned in several places). There
    was little discussion of heuristics, which could at least have been brought
    up briefly since most likely something was done about this.

    Future work can focus on the optimization version and heuristics (relaxed
    planning graph to get an idea of temporal limits, overlap not counting
    precondition constraints). These kind of planning problems have a lot in
    common with scheduling problems so perhaps this structure can be taken
    advantage of in some better way.

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