A knowledge-based approach to planning... - review

From: Parag (parag_at_cs.washington.edu)
Date: Tue May 20 2003 - 10:53:48 PDT

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    A Knowledge-Based Approach to Planning with Incomplete Information and

    by :- Ronald P.A. Petrick and Fahiem Bacchus

    The paper introduces a new approach to the problem of
    planning with incomplete information which is based
    on a higher level representation of planner's world
    knowledge and world axioms.

    The key ideas in the paper are:

    Since, while planning in a domain with incomplete information,
    an agent can plan based on what it knows about
    the world and how its action change the state of
    its knowledge, one should be able to plan based
    entirely on this kind of information, rather than
    keeping track of all possible world states. This
    approach is expected to abstract away a number of
    irrelevant details.

    The second idea is how to represent the agent's
    knowledge in the form of a set of databases to facilitate
    the above approach. The knowledge stored in these databases
    could be translated to a set of first order logic formulas on
    which inferencing could be done. Also, paper talks about how
    to represent planning problems in this new framework and how to
    incorporate the change in state caused by taking actions.

    One of the problems, as the authors point out is that
    the inference procedure that they use is not complete.
    And also, they say that there is no formal characterization
    when the inference procedure would be complete. Another problem
    that I have is with the branching actions which replicate the DB.
    They propose to have a separate DB for each possible branch, which
    means that the number would grow exponentially with
    number of such branching actions taken. In that case,
    aren't they faced by the similar problem of representing
    extremely large number of possible world states as in
    classical approaches? Am I missing something here?

    The experimental section could have been better if
    they had given figures for comparison with other planners.

    As for future work, it would be interesting to characterize
    the domains where above approach would give better results
    versus the domains where it might miss some of the plans
    which would have been detected by a classical planner.

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