Review of KB-Based Approach to Planning

From: Stanley Kok (
Date: Tue May 20 2003 - 10:20:44 PDT

  • Next message: Nan Li: "Knowledge-based Planning"

    Paper Title: A Knowledge-Based Approach to Planning with Incomplete
                 Information and Sensing
    Authors: Ronald P. A. Petrick, Fahiem Bacchus
    One-line summary:
    This paper presents a knowledge-based approach to planning.
    Most Important Ideas in the Paper:
    1. By formulating the agent's knowledge as a knowledge base, a
    planner can abstract irrelevant distinctions that occur in possible
    worlds, thereby preventing the number of possible worlds from growing
    exponentially (with the number of propositions). In addition, the
    planner has a rich representation capable of modelling functions
    and runtime variables.

    Flaw in the Paper:
    1. Even though the paper states that its planner's performance is
    comparable to those of other planners such as HSCP, CMBP, and GPT,
    it does not provide experimental comparisons (it only
    shows the runtimes of its PKS). The reader would have appreciated
    a comparison of how fast PKS is relative to other planners.
    Important, open research questions:
    1. How can the knowledge-based approach be extended to handle
    parallel plans?
    2. What heuristic search can be used to replace the blind search in

  • Next message: Nan Li: "Knowledge-based Planning"

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