incremental pruning

From: Nan Li (
Date: Fri May 09 2003 - 10:58:10 PDT

  • Next message: Parag: "incremental pruning - review"

    Incremental Pruning: A Simple, Fast, Exact Method for Partially Observable
    Markov Decsion Processes / Anthony Cassandra, Michael L. Littman, Nevin L.

    This paper extends one of the authors's previous work, "incremental
    pruning , an exact method to solve POMP. The theoretical and empirical
    comparison to other algorithms supports their claim that IP is the most
    efficient exact method for solving POMPs.

    The incremental pruning algorithm is rooted on another smart algorithm,
    witness algorithm. Observing that the equation for updating value
    functions can be broken up into a group of simpler functions, each of
    which can then be represented as a piecewise linearity and covex function
    of |S| vectors. These vector functions can then be represented by some
    smaller set of "witness" vectors, thus reduce the computation complexity
    of updating value functions.

    IP algorithm gives a further look at this perspective. The author notice
    that during the process of witness algorithm, there is still some steps
    that possibly have to deal with exponentially exposed space. Their
    solution is straightforward yet useful. Instead of exposing the space
    completely then operate on it, they use an exposing-operating(simplifying)
    loop. This reminds me a well-known trick in high school: to compute
    a*b/(A*B) using calculator, if a*b and/or A*B is too large, it's better do

    This paper follows the perspective of the "witness algorithm" to extend
    IP. Realizing the special form of the most cost calculation, the authors
    customize a procedure for it to reduce even more the size of set of
    witness vectors.

    The improvement is proved by the authors' experiments result. The idea is
    simple, yet the result is couraging. It's another success of classical
    neat tricks. I haven't read the original paper (by Zhang, N.L. and Liu,
    W.), but somehow I think that would be even more interesting than this

    So to future work, I think the first point the authors suggest is quite
    necessary: to control the precision of the algorithm.


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