Reviewing Graphplan

From: MAUSAM (
Date: Fri Apr 04 2003 - 11:33:13 PST

  • Next message: Krzysztof Gajos: "Graphplan review"

    Fast Planning Through Planning Graph Analysis
    Avrim Blum and Merrick Furst

    The paper proposes a new way to solve classical planning problems using a
    planning graph construction and then searching through the graph.

    Before this all the planners used to do a complete search in either the
    state space (total order planners) or in the plan space (partial order
    planners) which were extremely slow. This algorithm combines the aspects
    of both total-order and partial order planning and searches in provably
    polynomial space, which is faster than the previous methods.

    Another valuable contribution of this paper is completeness of the
    algorithm i.e. the algorithm outputs failure in case the goals are not
    achievable. This feature was absent in most of the previous planners.

    The algorithm mostly depends on the fact that pairwise mutual exclusion
    relations are quite powerful to model legal actions that can be done at a
    step. However, this may not be true for many domains. They only mention
    one TSP problem and their solution. However, I feel that there should be
    more study of other types of information that could be propagated through
    the graph.

    Answering Stanley's comment of the unfairness of comparing other Lisp
    implementations with Graphplan C implementation, the authors themselves
    mention that they are comparing more on the way the algorithm behaves with
    size of the input rather than with each other, which seems to me as quite
    a fair comparison.

    It is unclear from the paper, if the problems that are currently solved by
    Graphplan are equivalent in size to the real world domains. If not, still
    more heuristics and speed ups would be needed to reach that level.

    The other most obvious future work would be relaxing the various
    assumptions that classical planning assumes and see if the problems can be
    solved taking ideas from the planning graph framework. One may also look
    at introducing universally quantified effects in the planning domains.

  • Next message: Krzysztof Gajos: "Graphplan review"

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