GraphPlan review

From: Tal Shaked (
Date: Fri Apr 04 2003 - 09:28:37 PST

  • Next message: Daniel Weld: "Test for graphplan comments"

    “Fast Planning Through Planning Graph Analysis”, Blum, Furst

    This paper discusses how to build a planning graph that is then used to
    efficiently find plans in STRIPS-like domains. The idea is to construct a
    leveled graph alternating between possible propositions and actions that
    give a compact (and approximate) representation of achievable goals at
    depths of potential plans. Then a search over this graph is likely to
    produce a plan more quickly than other techniques.

    One of the most important ideas presented is that a planning graph is
    relatively easy and quick to construct and that the efficient-to-compute
    mutual exclusion links between actions and propositions often encompass many
    of the important constraints in the problem which will likely severely limit
    the search space. Basically the planning problem is converted to a CSP that
    is generally easier to solve.

    Another important point is that the planning graph can be used as a
    heuristic in the following ways (it takes polynomial time to compute in the
    length of the problem description). It is admissible in that it gives a
    minimum length for a plan that includes concurrent actions. It also easily
    shows when a goal is unattainable.

    Perhaps more time could have been devoted to considering the cases in which
    GraphPlan does not perform well. As mentioned, when individual actions can
    only meet individual goals, then the plan must be at least the length of the
    number of goals, and searching through this space can be inefficient. This
    was a little unclear, as well as their solution (and how exactly it is used
    or scaled to other problems). Somewhat related is that it would be
    interesting to get some analysis of the results for graphs 6, 7, 8, and
    specifically why GraphPlan seems to grow exponentially in 8, and why it did
    not perform significantly better than POCL (what aspects of the domain made
    these the cases).

    I’m not sure of all the further research done in this area since. A couple
    examples are extending GraphPlan to include conditional effects (in the
    optional reading), and showing how to apply GraphPlan to temporal planning
    domains. More generally, it is interesting to see how to apply the
    techniques mentioned to other planning problems that may include incomplete
    information, uncertainty, and actions that create objects (the example in
    the paper is digging a hole of arbitrary depth), which may lead to an
    infinite number of actions (or over continuous arguments). Another possible
    area is that some problems will be too big for GraphPlan to solve as
    described, so perhaps more sophisticated heuristics can be developed or
    extended from the ideas mentioned (i.e. how to view planning graphs as a
    relaxed problem).

  • Next message: Daniel Weld: "Test for graphplan comments"

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