Automated planning is one of the oldest areas in AI. We'll review all the major approaches (state-space search, partial-order planning, graphplan derivatives, SAT and CSP compilation, etc.) and discuss speedup techniques ranging from heuristic derivation to EBL and reachability analysis. Given this foundation, the course will focus on the two hottest areas of current research:
The course has two goals: covering the material from a number of influential and interesting papers on these topics, teaching you to synthesize material on a topic and lead a class discussion on it, and suggesting anumber of research projects suitable for quals or generals (in the past, several of these have led to AAAI, IJCAI or ICAPS papers).
Accordingly, the class will comprise two paper-related components:
In addition, there will be a project component.
Your final grade will be assigned based on the following:
Date | Topic | Leader | Slides |
April 1 | Introduction, administrivia | Dan Weld | slides |
April 4 | fundamentals: Graphplan | Dan Weld | slides |
April 8 | fundamentals: SATplan | Dan Weld | slides |
April 11 | fundamentals: Heuristics in state space | Dan Weld | slides |
April 15 | fundamentals: Refinement framework | Dan Weld | slides |
April 18 | fundamentals: Hands-on planning | you | None. |
April 18 | uncertainity: Markov Decision Processes | No class | No slides |
April 22 | uncertainity: Search in Belief Space | Mausam | slides |
April 25 | uncertainity: Invited Speaker | Hugh Durrant-Whyte | No slides |
April 29 | uncertainity: Planning Graph and Probability | Dan | slides |
May 2 | uncertainity: Stochastic Planning using Decision Diagrams | Sumit Sanghai | slides |
May 6 | uncertainity: Continuous Time and Resource Uncertainty | Stefan Sigurdsson | slides |
May 9 | uncertainity: Partially Observable MDPs | Stanley Kok | slides |
May 13 | uncertainity: Interleaved Planning and Execution | Kevin Sikorski | slides |
May 16 | incomplete information: Softbot Planning | Christophe Bisciglia | slides |
May 20 | incomplete information: Contingent Approach | Tal Shaked | slides |
May 23 | temporal planning: Partial-order approach | Parag | slides |
May 27 | temporal planning: Temporal Graphplan | Dan | slides |
May 30 | temporal planning: Forward Chaining | Nan Li | slides |
June 3 | temporal planning: Stochastic Planning | Alex Yates | slides |
June 6 | projects: Group Reports | all | TBD |