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Instructor: Pedro
Office: 216
Office hours: Monday after class or by appointment
Teaching Assistant: Adam
Office: 226b
Office hours: Wednesday after class or by appointment
You can visit me at my office hours, make an appointment, send me email
or send mail to the
class mailing list, which will be available from the course web.
Text: Thomas Dean, James Allen & Yiannis Aloimonos, Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Practice, plus papers to be assigned
Also recommended: Stuart Russell & Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
Prerequisite: CSE graduate students only. Considerable computer science sophistication expected, but no prior knowledge of AI is necessary
Lecture notes:
Pedro's orientation slides
(includes rough syllabus)
9/27: Uninformed search
9/29: Review of uninformed search,
informed search
10/1: Genetic algorithms,
game playing
10/4, 10/6: Introduction to AI
10/8, 10/11:
Propositional logic
10/13: Constraint satisfaction
10/15: Satisfiability solvers
10/18: Predicate calculus
Other representation & reasoning methods
10/22 to 11/1: Uncertainty
11/3 to 11/22: Machine learning (
intro, version spaces,
decision trees (1, 2),
learning ensembles,
rule induction,
Bayesian learning (1, 2),
nearest neighbor,
neural nets (1, 2),
theory (1, 2))
11/24, 11/29, 12/1: Planning
12/3, 12/6: Natural language
processing, statistical natural
language processing
12/8: Review
Week 1: Chapter 4 (Search)
Weeks 2 & 3: Chapter 1 (Introduction),
Chapter 3 (Representation and Logic) &
SAT Solvers section of Weld paper
(also in pdf)
Weeks 4 & 5: Chapter 8 (Uncertainty), and review probability & statistics
Weeks 6, 7 & 8: Chapter 5 (Learning) and
Dietterich paper
Week 9: Chapter 7 (Planning) and Weld paper
(also in pdf)
Week 10: Chapter 10 (Natural language processing) and 1997 AI Magazine article by
Eugene Charniak and Webpage for
Foundations of
SNLP by Christopher Manning and Hinrich Schütze. (This web page
has a couple of sample chapters. Of particular interest is the
chapter on Markov Models. There's also a link to a resources page,
which has many sources for corpora, tools and code.) A more general
source is The Association for
Computational Linguistics web page. This includes a search engine
for computational linguistics websites. There's also a search engine for NLP papers.
Here is some advice about writing a computer science paper.
Final exam:
The final exam is now available. You can download it from here or
pick up a copy from the fourth floor of Sieg, near the microwave. It
is due Wed., Dec 15 at 12:30. postscript or pdf
The final exam solution is now available in postscript or pdf
Department of Computer Science & Engineering University of Washington Box 352350 Seattle, WA 98195-2350 (206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX [comments to carlson@cs.washington.edu] |