University of Washington Department of Computer Science and Engineering CSE573-Artificial Intelligence I Autumn 1997 Midterm Review Notes November 5, 1997 =============================================================== Main topics we covered 1. Basic "what is AI" discussion. What makes something intelligent? Structural versus observational criteria The Turing test An agent-based approach Emphasis on IO behavior Requiring a success measure Rationality versus limited rationality Main schools of "AI thought" (mainly from readings) Psychology Newell and Simon, means-end analysis Behaviorism and cognitive psychology Mathematics Mathematical logic, complexity results, decision theory Linguistics Natural language processing and knowledge representation Historical concepts Microworlds and puzzle domains Weak methods and strong methods Expert systems versus common-sense reasoning 2. Intelligent Agents Definition of an agent as a mapping from percepts to action(s) Performance measure; optimality versus satisficing Rationality and ideal rationality Reflex (reactive) versus deliberative agents 3. Problem Solving Two phases Problem formulation (goal then problem) Problem solution Dimensions for designing agents: Russell/Norvig dimensions Single state versus multiple state Contingency Interleaving Exploration Another way to look at it Agent's sensing and effecting capabilities Environmental characteristics Reward characteristics The general graph-search paradigm the non-deterministic version the priority queue version Uninformed methods breadth first, uniform cost depth first, depth-limited and iterative deepening regression and bidirectional search Informed methods definition of "heuristic search" the usual components of an evaluation function (state so far, estimated state to go) greedy search A* search, admissible heuristics, and graceful degradation IDA* Iterative improvement hill-climbing, gradient descent, simulated annealing 5. Logical Reasoning (Chapters 6, 7, 9) Problem-solving agents and the general KR paradigm Components of a logic: syntax, inference, semantics Common logics: propositional first-order with equality, sets, numbers Semantics: interpretations, models Properties: validity, unsatisfiability tautology, inconsistency soundness, completeness (SKIP 7.2 to the end of the chapter) (SKIP Chapter 8) Automated inference in first-order logic inference as a search task forward and backward chaining Resolution proof by refutation procedure convert database to clause form DB is a conjunction of disjuncts no implication no existential quantifiers (Skolem terms) negate goal, convert to clause form, and add to database try to produce a derivation of the empty clause completeness of resolution Horn clauses and Prolog what is a Horn clause? what is the sacrifice in expressive power? what is the algorithmic gain?