;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;;; The Vacuum World: cleaning up dirt in a grid (defstruct (dirt (:include sim-object (name "*") (size 0.01)))) (defstruct (vacuum-world (:include grid-environment (size (@ 8 8)) (aspec '(random-vacuum-agent)) (cspec '((at all (P 0.25 dirt)))))) "A grid with some dirt in it, and by default a reactive vacuum agent.") ;;;; Defining the generic functions (defmethod performance-measure ((env vacuum-world) agent) "100 points for each piece of dirt vacuumed up, -1 point for each step taken, and -1000 points if the agent does not return home." (- (* 100 (count-if #'dirt-p (sim-object-contents (agent-body agent)))) (environment-step env) (if (equal (sim-object-loc (agent-body agent)) (grid-environment-start env)) 0 1000))) (defmethod get-percept ((env vacuum-world) agent) "Percept is a three-element sequence: bump, dirt and home." (let ((loc (sim-object-loc (agent-body agent)))) (list (if (sim-object-bump (agent-body agent)) 'bump) (if (find-object-if #'dirt-p loc env) 'dirt) (if (equal loc (grid-environment-start env)) 'home)))) (defmethod legal-actions ((env vacuum-world)) '(suck forward turn shut-off)) ;;;; Actions (other than the basic grid actions of forward and turn) (defmethod suck ((env vacuum-world) agent-body) (let ((dirt (find-object-if #'dirt-p (sim-object-loc agent-body) env))) (when dirt (place-in-container dirt agent-body env)))) (defmethod shut-off ((env environment) agent-body) (declare (ignore env)) (setf (sim-object-alive? agent-body) nil))