;;; File: grid-env.lisp -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;;; Environments with a two-dimensional grid layout occupied by objects ;;; This file defines a GRID-ENVIRONMENT, a kind of environment where there is ;;; a rectangular grid of spaces, each potentially containing objects. ;;; (Notice that the ENVIRONMENT makes no mention of space or objects.) You ;;; won't be creating instances of grid-environment directly, but it is the ;;; key structure that is inherited by the Vacuum, Wumpus, Shopping and ;;; Elevator worlds. ;;; These worlds are populated by objects that are subclasses of the ;;; SIM-OBJECT class defined in objects.lsp (defstruct (grid-environment (:include environment)) (size (@ 10 10)) ; Size of the 2-D array (grid nil) ; Will be a 2-D array of squares (objects '()) ; List of objects currently in this env. (start (@ 1 1)) ; Where agents begin (aspec '(ask-user-agent)) ; Specify default list of Agents (bspec '((at edge wall))) ; Specify Basic objects, common to all envs. (cspec '()) ; Specify objects that Change for each env. ) ;;;; Generic Functions (defmethod update-fn ((env grid-environment)) "Execute the actions and do bookkeeping on the bump sensor." (dolist (agent (environment-agents env)) (setf (sim-object-bump (agent-body agent)) nil)) ; dissipate bumps (execute-agent-actions env)) (defmethod legal-actions ((env grid-environment)) '(turn forward grab release)) (defmethod initialize ((env grid-environment)) "Build a new environment with all the agents and objects in place. This gets passed an environment which may need to have the objects placed. See PARSE-SPECS below in this file for more on initialization." (unless (environment-initialized env) ;; Build the grid and place objects where they belong (setf (grid-environment-grid env) (make-array (grid-environment-size env) :initial-element '())) (parse-specs env (grid-environment-aspec env)) (parse-specs env (grid-environment-bspec env)) (parse-specs env (grid-environment-cspec env)) (call-next-method))) (defmethod termination? ((env grid-environment)) "By default, we stop when there are no live agents." (every #'(lambda (agent) (not (sim-object-alive? (agent-body agent)))) (environment-agents env))) (defmethod display-environment-snapshot ((env grid-environment)) "Show what is in each location in the environment." (print-grid (grid-environment-grid env) :width 4 :stream (environment-stream env) :key #'(lambda (objects) (format nil "~{~A~}" objects)))) ;;;************************************************************* ;;;; Actions (defmethod speak ((env grid-environment) agent-body sound) "The agent emits a sound." (declare-ignore env) (setf (sim-object-sound agent-body) sound)) (defmethod turn ((env grid-environment) agent-body direction) "The agent changes its heading by turning right or left." (declare (ignore env)) (let* ((headings '#((1 0) (0 1) (-1 0) (0 -1))) (now (position (agent-body-heading agent-body) headings :test #'equal)) (delta (case direction (right -1) (left +1) (t 0)))) (setf (sim-object-heading agent-body) (elt headings (mod (+ now delta) 4))))) (defmethod forward ((env grid-environment) agent-body) "Move the object to the location that is one step directly ahead of it." (move-object-to agent-body (add-locs (sim-object-loc agent-body) (sim-object-heading agent-body)) env)) (defmethod grab ((env grid-environment) agent-body &optional args) "Grab an object at the specified location. Assumes a one-handed agent." (declare-ignore args) ;; They are used in other environments (let ((object (find-object-if #'grabable? (sim-object-loc agent-body) env))) (when (and object (not (agent-body-holding agent-body)) (place-in-container object agent-body env)) (setf (agent-body-holding agent-body) object)))) (defun grabable? (object) (and (not (obstacle-p object)) (not (agent-body-p object)))) (defmethod release ((env grid-environment) agent-body &optional args) "Release an object that is in the hand, putting it at the specified loc." (declare-ignore args) ;; They are used in other environments (let ((object (agent-body-holding agent-body))) (when object (place-object object (sim-object-loc agent-body) env) (setf (agent-body-holding agent-body) nil)))) ;;;; Initializing Environments ;;; The grammar for the object-specs language is as follows: ;;;
;;;   specs  =>  (spec...)
;;;   spec   =>  (AT where what...) | (* n spec...) | what
;;;   where  =>  EDGE | ALL | FREE? | START | (x y) | (AND where...)
;;;   what   =>  object | type | (type arg...) | (* n what...)  | (P x what...)
;;;   n      =>  integer | (+- integer integer)
;;; The location FREE? means a randomly chosen free loc, ALL means every loc.
;;; If no location is specified, the default is START for agents, FREE?
;;; otherwise.  
;;; Examples of spec:
;;;  (at edge wall)                  1 wall in every perimeter location
;;;  (at free? wumpus)               1 wumpus in some random free location
;;;  wumpus                          Same as above 
;;;  ask-user-agent                  1 ask-user-agent in the start cell
;;;  (* 2 apple)                     An apple in each of 2 random locations
;;;  (* 2 (apple :color green))      A green apple in each of 2 random locs
;;;  (at all (p 0.25 dirt))          All free locations have 1/4 chance of dirt
;;;  (at (2 3) (* 8 apple) sign)     Location (2 3) has 8 apples and a sign
;;;  (* (+- 10 4) apple)             10 plus or minus 4 (at random) apples
;;;  (at (and (1 2) (1 4)) cashier)  These two locations each get a cashier
;;;  (* 2 smoke fire)                2 random locs get both smoke and fire
(defun parse-specs (env specs) "Place objects, defined by specs, in the environment." (dolist (spec specs) (parse-spec env spec))) (defun parse-spec (env spec) (case (op spec) (AT (parse-where env (arg1 spec) (rest (args spec)))) (* (dotimes (i (parse-n (arg1 spec))) (parse-specs env (rest (args spec))))) (t (parse-what env nil spec)))) (defun parse-where (env where whats) (cond ((eq where 'EDGE) (let ((x-size (xy-x (grid-environment-size env))) (y-size (xy-y (grid-environment-size env)))) (dotimes (i (- x-size 1)) (parse-whats env (@ i 0) whats) (parse-whats env (@ i (- y-size 1)) whats)) (dotimes (j (- y-size 2)) (let ((i (+ j 1))) (parse-whats env (@ 0 i) whats) (parse-whats env (@ (- x-size 1) i) whats))))) ((eq where 'ALL) (dotimes (x (xy-x (grid-environment-size env))) (dotimes (y (xy-y (grid-environment-size env))) (when (free-loc? (@ x y) env) (parse-whats env (@ x y) whats))))) ((eq where 'FREE?) (parse-whats env (random-loc env :if 'free-loc?) whats)) ((eq where 'START) (parse-whats env (grid-environment-start env) whats)) ((xy-p where) (parse-whats where whats env)) ((eq (op where) 'AND) (dolist (w (args where)) (parse-where env w whats))) (t (warn "Unrecognized object spec ignored: ~A" `(at ,where ,@whats))))) (defun parse-whats (env loc what-list) (dolist (what what-list) (parse-what env loc what))) (defun parse-what (env loc what) "Place the objects specified by WHAT-LIST at the given location The default location is START for an agent, random otherwise. The notation (P 0.5 what...) means 50% chance of placing each what, and (* n what...) means place n copies of each what." (case (op what) (* (dotimes (i (parse-n (arg1 what))) do (parse-whats env loc (rest (args what))))) (P (dolist (w (rest (args what))) (when (< (random 1.0) (arg1 what)) (parse-what env loc w)))) (t (let* ((object (if (sim-object-p what) what (apply #'make (op what) (args what)))) (location (or loc (if (agent-p object) (grid-environment-start env) (random-loc env :if #'free-loc?))))) (place-object object location env t))))) (defun parse-n (n) (if (eq (op n) '+-) (round (+ (arg1 n) (random (float (arg2 n))) (- (random (float (arg2 n)))))) n)) (defun make (type &rest args) "Make an instance of the specified type by calling make-TYPE." (apply (concat-symbol 'make- type) args)) (defun concat-symbol (&rest args) "Concatenate the args into one string, and turn that into a symbol." (intern (format nil "~{~a~}" args))) (defun random-loc (env &key (if #'true) (tries 100)) "Return a random loc, somewhere in the environment. The loc must satisfy the :IF predicate. If it can't find such a location after a number of TRIES, it signals an error." (or (dotimes (i tries) (let ((loc (mapcar #'random (grid-environment-size env)))) (when (funcall if loc env) (RETURN loc)))) (error "Can't find a location."))) (defun free-loc? (loc env) "A location is free if there is no obstacle there and it is not the start." (and (not (find-object-if #'obstacle-p loc env)) (not (equal loc (grid-environment-start env))))) ;;;************************************************************ "An expression is a list consisting of a prefix operator followed by args, Or it can be a symbol, denoting an operator with no arguments. Expressions are used in Logic, and as actions for agents." (defun make-exp (op &rest args) (cons op args)) (defun op (exp) "Operator of an expression" (if (listp exp) (first exp) exp)) (defun args (exp) "Arguments of an expression" (if (listp exp) (rest exp) nil)) (defun arg1 (exp) "First argument" (first (args exp))) (defun arg2 (exp) "Second argument" (second (args exp))) ;;;************************************************************* ;;; A function and helpers for printing a grid. This is called ;;; during execution to display the simulation. It is called ;;; only by DISPLAY-ENVIRONMENT-SNAPSHOT method for GRID-ENV ;;; defined above. (defun print-grid (array &key (stream t) (key #'identity) (width 3)) "Print the contents of a 2-D array, numbering the edges." (let ((max-x (- (array-dimension array 0) 1)) (max-y (- (array-dimension array 1) 1))) ;; Print the header (format stream "~&") (print-repeated " " width stream) (dotimes (x max-x) (format stream "|") (print-dashes width stream)) (format stream "|~%") ;; Print each row (dotimes (y1 max-y) (let ((y (- max-y y1))) (print-centered y width stream) ;; Print each location (dotimes (x max-x) (format stream "|") (print-centered (funcall key (aref array x y)) width stream)) (format stream "|~%") ;; Print a dashed line (print-repeated " " width stream) (dotimes (x max-x) (format stream "|") (print-dashes width stream))) (format stream "|~%")) ;; Print the X-coordinates along the bottom (print-repeated " " width stream) (dotimes (x max-x) (format stream " ") (print-centered x width stream)) array)) (defun print-centered (string width &optional (stream t)) "Print STRING centered in a field WIDTH wide." (let ((blanks (- width (length (stringify string))))) (print-repeated " " (floor blanks 2) stream) (format stream "~A" string) (print-repeated " " (ceiling blanks 2) stream))) (defun stringify (exp) "Coerce argument to a string." (cond ((stringp exp) exp) ((symbolp exp) (symbol-name exp)) (t (format nil "~A" exp)))) (defun print-repeated (string n &optional (stream t)) "Print the string n times." (dotimes (i n) (format stream "~A" string))) (defun print-dashes (width &optional (stream t) separate-line) "Print a line of dashes WIDTH wide." (when separate-line (format stream "~&")) (print-repeated "-" width stream) (when separate-line (format stream "~%")))