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University of Washington Department of Computer Science & Engineering

 CSE 573 – Artificial Intelligence - Autumn 2004



Mini Project 1

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Projects will be done in groups of two. I detail the two default projects below, but groups can always ask me if they have their own idea that they wish to explore.

The default plans are:

  1. Build two satisifiability solvers (e.g. DPLL and WalkSAT) and experiment with several enhancements. More information here.
  2. Build a program which uses min-max search to play your favorite game and experiment with enhancements. More information here.
  1. Friday (October 15) Email Dan and Xu with the name of your team, the names of the teammates, and a brief project plan (which project, and a week-by-week breakdown of what you expect to do that week).
  2. Wednesday (November 10) Final report due.
  3. Reports submitted by all teams
Important notes:

Each group is welcome to talk to other people about their project, including other groups in the class. Of course I hope that you will read some research papers on the topic. And you are also welcome to search the web for ideas and even bits of code. However, it is extremely important for you to identify (in your final report) whom you talked to (and about what), where ideas came from (if not from your head), and what code functionality you wrote versus acquired.

We will look at your code, but the most important deliverable is your project report, so don't forget to allocate sufficient time to make this your best work. The ideal goal to aspire to is a AAAI conference submission. Given the time constraints, novel, publishable results are unlikely, but see how close you can get. Your report should emulate (as best you can) aspects of a AAAI paper such as motivation, problem definition, tone, style, citations, graphical presentations of your results. Remember: even if you don't have novel ideas you can still phrase your report as duplicating (and verifying) a prior experiment, result, or claim. And if you try an new idea which doesn't work well, you can phrase the failure as a (negative) result.

What to turn in:

Computer Science & Engineering Department
University of Washington
PO Box 352350

Seattle, WA 98195-2350 USA