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University of Washington Department of Computer Science & Engineering

 CSE 573 – Artificial Intelligence - Autumn 2003



Problem Set 1                 Due Monday 10/12 at 1:30pm (Hand in printout at start of class)

In all problems below, please think carefully before answering questions – strive for a terse, precise explanation. Points may be taken off for overly long or complex explanations. If  it is impossible answer a question with the information given, feel free to make additional assumptions (just state them clearly).

1.      R&N AIMA2 – exercise 2.2

2.      R&N AIMA2 – exercise 2.9

3.      R&N AIMA2 – exercise 2.12a

4.      R&N AIMA2 – exercise 3.9a, c.

5.      R&N AIMA2 – exercise 3.19a 

6.      The traveling salesman problem (TSP) can be posed with a set of cities C= {c1 … cn} and a distance function d(ci, cj) which returns a positive integer for each pair of distinct cities. The objective is to find the shortest path that visits each city exactly once. 

a.       Specify the TSP as a search problem

b.      A powerful, admissible heuristic for TSP is based on estimating the remaining cost for completing a partial tour with the sum of the link costs for the minimum spanning tree connecting the graph of cities not yet in the tour. (The MST can be computed relatively quickly, i.e. in O(E lg E) time, using Kruskal’s algorithm). Show how this heuristic can be derived from a relaxed version of the TSP.

7.      Look at the project page and learn about Robocode.

a.       Get “My First Robot” working

b.      Make some enhancement and test it in a few battles. Write a paragraph explaining your enhancement and its success

c.       Read Jacob Eisenstein’s term paper (and optionally his presentation); then start thinking about how you might approach the problem of creating a successful controller.

d.      You only need to hand in part b.


Computer Science & Engineering Department
University of Washington
PO Box 352350
Seattle, WA 98195-2350 USA